Ultimate Evolution Feats

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New Feats

Name - Prerequisites - Benefits

  • Adamantine Induction - +1 inner weapon, Concentration 8 ranks - treat inner weapon as adamantine
  • Astral Skin - Living armor, Concentration 10 ranks - bonus to touch AC in exoskin
  • Claws of the Beast - Living armor - make improved unarmed attacks in exoskin
  • Cold Iron Induction - +1 inner weapon - treat your inner weapon as cold iron
  • Embodiment of Affection - Love externalization, wild surge +2 - externalization can use its re-roll ability 3 more times per day
  • Embodiment of Agitation - Excitement externalization, wild surge +2 - externalization's fly speed increases by +10 and it gains +4 on Will saves
  • Embodiment of Depression - Sorrow externalization, wild surge +2 - externalization is immune to death and mind-affecting effects
  • Embodiment of Fury - Anger externalization, wild surge +2 - externalization gains +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls
  • Embodiment of Hope - Hope externalization, wild surge +2 - externalization gains +3 bonus on skill checks increases from +3 to +6
  • External Outburst - Externalization, one emotional ability - you can have 3 externalizations
  • Frystalline Induction - +1 inner weapon - inner weapon overcomes DR as good weapon
  • Graft Collector - Great fortitude, psycker level 1 - you can have twice as many augmentations
  • Heartwire Induction - Skin warrior - +4 AC against critical hit confirmation
  • Immediate Materialization - +1 inner weapon - materialize inner weapon as free action once per round
  • Inner Weapon Focus - Weapon focus with appropriate inner weapon, mentalist level 8th - weapon focus bonus increases to +2
  • Mithral Skin - Living armor - your exoskin has mirthal-like qualities
  • Psychic Toughness - Psycker level 1 - +1 HP per augmentation you have
  • Silver Induction - +1 inner weapon - treat inner weapon as silver
  • Starmetal Induction - +2 inner weapon, adamantine induction - +1d6 damage against extraplanar foes
  • Truesteel Induction - +1 inner weapon - +4 to confirm critical hits, hardness improves to 11
  • Urdukar Induction - Skin warrior - +2 on saves against divination and enchantment effects in exoskin

Adamantine Induction [Mentalist]

Your inner weapon takes on properties of adamantine.

Prerequisite: +1 inner weapon, Concentration 8 ranks.
Benefit: Your inner weapon becomes hard and blue-black in color. Treat inner weapon as if it was made from adamantine (hardness increased to 20), and can bypass DR as an adamantine weapon. If this feat is taken for the exoskin it grants DR 1/-, but also gives you a -1 armor check penalty.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Astral Skin [Mentalist]

Your exoskin takes on the properties of astral driftmetal.

Prerequisite: Living armor ability, Concentration 10 ranks.
Benefit: You add your full armor bonus from your exoskin to your touch AC.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Claws of the Beast [Mentalist]

You can shape the exoskin covering your hands into blades, claws, pincers, or any similar extremities.

Prerequisites: Living armor ability.
Benefit: When your exoskin is active, you can treat your unarmed attacks as attacks with natural weapons. In addition, before each attack you can decide whether you attacks are of slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Cold Iron Induction [Mentalist]

Your inner weapon takes on the properties of cold iron .

Prerequisite: +1 inner weapon.
Benefit: Your inner weapon can bypass DR as a cold iron weapon. The hardness of the weapon changes to 10.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Embodiment of Affection [Wilder]

Your externalization is fondness incarnate.

Prerequisites: Love externalization, wild surge +2.
Benefit: Your externalization can use its re-roll ability 3 more times per day.

Embodiment of Agitation [Wilder]

Your externalization is fluster incarnate.

Prerequisites: Excitement externalization, wild surge +2.
Benefit: Your externalization's fly speed increases by +10 and it gains +4 bonus on all Will saves.

Embodiment of Depression [Wilder]

Your externalization is sadness incarnate.

Prerequisites: Sorrow externalization, wild surge +2.
Benefit: Your externalization is immune to death and mind-affecting powers and effects.

Embodiment of Fury [Wilder]

Your externalization is fury incarnate.

Prerequisites: Anger externalization, wild surge +2.
Benefit: Your externalization gains +2 bonus on all attack and damage rolls.

Embodiment of Hope [Wilder]

Your externalization is expectancy incarnate.

Prerequisites: Hope externalization, wild surge +2.
Benefit: Your externalization gains +3 morale bonus on all skill checks increases from +3 to +6.

External Outburst [Wilder]

You can form your feelings into two or three externatizations.

Prerequisites: Externalization, at least one emotional ability.
Benefit: You can have up to three externalizations at the same time. You cannot create more than one externalization at the same time. When you create the second, one it has 1/3 of your hit points, and first externalization's hit points are reduced from yours 1/2 to 1/3 (so, if the creature is seriously wounded, it may actually be destroyed in the process).When you create the third one, it has 1/4 of your hit points, and first and second externalizations' hit points are reduced from yours 1/3 to 1/4 (so, if the creatures are seriously wounded, they may actually be destroyed in the process).

Frystalline Induction [Mentalist]

Your inner weapon takes on the properties of Frystalline.

Prerequisite: +1 inner weapon.
Benefit: Your inner weapon is considered a good weapon for the purpose of overcoming DR.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Graft Collector [Fighter]

You can have more weaker augments than others.

Prerequisites: Great Fortitude, psycker level 1.
Benefit: Whenever you can take an augmentation, you can take two augmentations instead. You still must pay cost for both and you still cannot spend at one level more power points than you psycker level.
Special: This is a fighter feat, so a psycker can select it as a bonus psycker feat.

Heartwire Induction [Mentalist]

Your exoskin includes a few strings of Ysgardian heartwire.

Prerequisite: Skin warrior.
Benefit:Your exoskin grants you a +4 bonus to your AC, solely for the purpose of confirming a critical hit.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Immediate Materialization [Mentalist]

You materialize your weapon effortlessly.

Prerequisite: +1 inner weapon.
Benefit: You materialize your weapon as a free action, but you can do it only once per round.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.
Normal: Materializing inner weapon is a moveaction.

Inner Weapon Focus [Mentalist]

You are better at fighting with your inner weapon.

Prerequisites: Weapon Focus with appropriate inner weapon, mentalist level 8th.
Benefit: Your bonus from weapon focus with your inner weapon increases to +2.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Limb Elongation [Mentalist]

Due exoskin covering your body you can virtually extend your limbs.

Prerequisites: Living armor ability.
Benefit: When your exoskin is active, you can make a single unarmed attack as full round action with a +5ft' reach as a full attack action.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Long Limbs [Mentalist]

Yours limbs can be longer then others.

Prerequisites: Greater Living armor ability, Limb Elongation feat
Benefit: When your exoskin is active, you can make a single unarmed attack with a +10ft' reach as a full attack action. Bonus reach don’t stack with reach granted by Limb Elongation feat.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Mental Sculptor [Mentalist]

You can evoke more kinds of mental weapons then others.

Prerequisites: Inner weapon +1, Concentration 8 ranks
Benefit: Choose one kind of mental induction you cannot perform. You can now perform it. You do not gain any related abilities, such as weapon focus. For purposes of enhancement of new induction your Mentalist level is halved. You can perform new induction only as full-round action. You can't have more then two created mental inductions at the same time.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it gives you access to a new type of mental induction. A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Mithral Skin [Mentalist]

Your skin takes on the properties of mithral.

Prerequisite: Living armor ability.
Benefit: The arcane spell failure of your exoskin is reduced by 5% and the armor check penalty (if any, see Adamantine Induction) is lessened by 1. The hardness of the exoskin increases to 15.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Practiced Mentalist [Mentalist]

Your inner weapon is unmatched.

Prerequisites: Inner weapon +1
Benefit: Enhancement of your inner weapon increases by 1. A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Psychic Toughness [Fighter]

Your augmented body takes damage better than natural flesh.

Prerequisites: Psycker level 1.
Benefit: You gain 1 extra hit point for each augmentation you have. If you later gain new augmentations you also gains extra hit points.
Special: This is a fighter feat, so a psycker can select it as a bonus psycker feat.

Silver Induction [Mentalist]

Your inner weapon takes on the properties of alchemical silver.

Prerequisite: +1 inner weapon.
Benefit: Your inner weapon can bypass DR as a silver weapon. The hardness of the weapon is also increased to 8.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Starmetal Induction [Mentalist]

Your inner weapon further develops its adamantine properties.

Prerequisite: +2 inner weapon, adamantine induction.
Benefit: Your inner weapon develops a strong bond to the material plane and now deals an extra 1d6 damage against extraplanar creatures while on the material plane.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Truesteel Induction [Mentalist]

Your inner weapon takes on the properties of solarian truesteel.

Prerequisite: +1 inner weapon.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to rolls to confirm a critical hit with your inner weapon. The hardness of the weapon also increases to 11.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

Urdukar Induction [Mentalist]

Your exoskin takes on the properties of urdrukar, or "mind steel".

Prerequisite: Skin warrior ability.
Benefit: While your exoskin is manifested, you gain +2 bonus on saves against divination and enchantment spells and abilities.
Special: A mentalist may select this feat as a bonus mentalist feat.

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