Ultimate War Feats

Name - Prerequisites - Benefits

  • Aquatic Traveler - HG (seas), survival 6 ranks - hold breath longer, +2 on attack rolls against aquatic creatures
  • Bog Dweller - HG (swamps), survival 6 ranks - weight less when pressure is concerned, +2 on attack rolls against swamp creatures
  • Desert Strider - HG (deserts), survival 6 ranks - +3 on saves vs. fire effects, +2 on attack rolls against desert creatures
  • Echoying Yell - Shouts - +1d6 rounds of shout's duration and +1 DC
  • Extreme Diversity - BAB +15, diversity - your feats apply to most weapons
  • Grizzled Veteran - BAB +9, veteran - use veteran 2 more times per day
  • Highlander - HG (mountains), survival 6 ranks - you can fight while climbing normally, +2 on attack rolls against moutain creatures
  • Legendary Bull Totem - Bull totem, epic - double damage on charge
  • Nocturnal - Survival 4 ranks - you need only 4 hours of sleep, +2 on initiative and +1 on reflex saves in darkness
  • Northerner - HG (arctics), survival 6 ranks - +3 on saves vs. cold effects, +2 on attack rolls against arctic creatures
  • Protective Tattoos - BAB +4, tattoo 2/day - +2 AC when not using tattoos

Aquatic Traveler [Ranger]

You are accomplished diver.

Prerequisites: Hunting Grounds (seas) ability, Survival 6 ranks.
Benefit: You can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution score. In addition, you gain +2 competence bonus on attack rolls against aquatic creatures.

Bog Dweller [Ranger]

You feel at home on the swamps.

Prerequisites: Hunting Grounds (swamps) ability, Survival 6 ranks.
Benefit: You are treated as one size smaller (or having half body weight, whichever is more beneficial) when applying pressure to the surface (to determine if you sink, spring a trap, and the like). In addition, you gain +2 competence bonus on attack rolls against creatures that normally inhabit swamps.

Desert Strider [Ranger]

You feel at home in the desert.

Prerequisites: Hunting Grounds (deserts) ability, Survival 6 ranks.
Benefit: Yoou gain +3 bonus on saving throws against fire and heat-related spells and effects (including all spells causing fire damage, spells with fire descriptor, saves to resist hot weather, lava, and so on) and +2 competence bonus on attack rolls against creatures that normally inhabit deserts.

Echoing Yell [Barbarian]

Your shouts affect enemies for longer than usual.

Prerequisites: Shouts ability.
Benefit: Each of the uses of your dragon roar, shouts, and howl abilities lasts an additional 1d6 rounds beyond its normal duration. Increase DC of those abilities by +1.
Special: A barbarian can take this feat as a bonus barbarian feat.

Extreme Diversity [Fighter]

You have knack for mastering many different weapons.

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +15, diversity ability.
Benefit: Each feat that works with only one weapon the fighter has now applies to all simple and martial weapons.
Special: A fighter can take this feat as a bonus fighter feat.

Grizzled Veteran [Fighter]

You have seen the worst of war and know what to do in most of circumstances.

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +9, veteran ability.
Benefit: You can use veteran ability (this includes alternative uses from art of battle) two more times per day.
Special: A fighter can take this feat as a bonus fighter feat.

Highlander [Ranger]

You are at home in the mountains.

Prerequisites: Hunting Grounds (mountains) ability, Survival 6 ranks.
Benefit: You suffer no ill effects from high altitude and can fight while climbing at no penalty on attack rolls. In addition, you gain +2 competence bonus on attack rolls against creatures that normally inhabit mountains.

Legendary Bull Totem [Barbarian, Epic]

Your charge is ultimately devastating and deadly.

Prerequisites: Bull totem ability.
Benefit: You deal double damage on a successful charge attack.
Special: A barbarian can take this feat as a bonus barbarian feat.


You are a creature of the night.

Prerequisites: Survival 4 ranks.
Benefit: You need only 4 hours a day of sleep (elves do not benefit from this effect) and you gain a +2 bonus on initiative rolls and a +1 bonus on reflex saves during nighttime.

Northerner [Ranger]

You feel at home in the frozen north.

Prerequisites: Hunting Grounds (arctics) ability, Survival 6 ranks.
Benefit: You gain +3 bonus on saving throws against cold and frost-related spells and effects (including all spells causing cold damage, spells with cold descriptor, saves to resist cold weather, frostbite, and so on) and +2 competence bonus on attack rolls against creatures that normally inhabit arctic regions.

Protective Tattoos [Barbarian]

Your tattoos grant you limited protection all the time.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, tattoo ability 2/day.
Benefit: Whenever you are not using the tattoo ability, you gain +2 luck bonus to AC. You lose this bonus if you wear armor.
Special: A barbarian can take this feat as a bonus barbarian feat.