Ultimate Fighter

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Game Rule Information

Fighters have the following game statistics.

  • Abilities: Same as in Player's Handbook.
  • Alignment: Any.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1d10 + Con modifier.
  • Hit points are maximized at 1st character level.
  • Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
  • Skill points are multiplied by 4 at 1st character level.

Class Skills: The fighter’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (History) (Int), Perform (weapon drill) (Cha); Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex). Code:

Class Table

       Base            Fort  Ref   Will
Level  Attack Bonus    Save  Save  Save  Special                     Veteran/day      
1st         +1         +2    +0    +0    Bonus feat                       0
2nd         +2         +3    +0    +0    Art of battle, veteran         1+Int  
3rd         +3         +3    +1    +1    Bonus feat                     1+Int  
4th         +4         +4    +1    +1    Art of battle                  2+Int
5th         +5         +4    +1    +1    Bonus feat, shift tactics      2+Int
6th       +6/+1        +5    +2    +2    Art of battle                  3+Int
7th       +7/+2        +5    +2    +2    Bonus feat                     3+Int
8th       +8/+3        +6    +2    +2    Art of battle                  4+Int
9th       +9/+4        +6    +3    +3    Bonus feat                     4+Int
10th      +10/+5       +7    +3    +3    Art of battle                  5+Int
11th     +11/+6/+1     +7    +3    +3    Bonus feat                     5+Int
12th     +12/+7/+2     +8    +4    +4    Warcraft                       6+Int
13th     +13/+8/+3     +8    +4    +4    Bonus feat                     6+Int
14th     +14/+9/+4     +9    +4    +4    Warcraft                       7+Int
15th     +15/+10/+5    +9    +5    +5    Bonus feat                     7+Int
16th   +16/+11/+6/+1   +10   +5    +5    Warcraft                       8+Int
17th   +17/+12/+7/+2   +10   +5    +5    Bonus feat                     8+Int
18th   +18/+13/+8/+3   +11   +6    +6    Warcraft                       9+Int
19th   +19/+14/+9/+4   +11   +6    +6    Bonus feat                     9+Int
20th   +20/+15/+10/+5  +12   +6    +6    Warcraft                       10+Int

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the fighter.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields). Same as in Player's Handbook.

Bonus Feats

At 1st level, and every 2 levels thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, and so on) a fighter gets a bonus feat. A fighter can only take a feat if in this feat’s description it says that it’s a bonus fighter feat.


A 2nd level fighter can re-roll a failed attack roll as a swift action. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half his fighter level + his Intelligence modifier.

Art of Battle

At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter up to level 10, a fighter learns combat trick that can only be performed by experienced warriors. Every art of battle expands possible uses of veteran ability (see below).

  • Astonishing Maneuver (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a swift action, a fighter can use any exotic weapon as if it was a different exotic weapon he is proficient with, for one round.
  • Bodyguard (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a swift action, if you are within 5 ft. of any ally who takes damage from an attack, you can take all the damage and all associated effects instead.
  • Cavalier (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a swift action, when the fighter or his mount takes any damage while he is its rider, the fighter can redirect any number of that damage to the other one.
  • Comforting Cuirass (Ex): When fighter is throwing a Will save, he can spend one use of veteran ability to gain bonus on that save equal to half his armor's bonus to AC (including enhancement bonus, if any).
  • Death Blow (Ex): If a fighter scores a critical threat on an attack roll, he can spend one use of veteran ability as a swift action. If he does, the attack is autmatically a critical hit.
  • Fencer (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a swift action, a fighter can use Perform (weapon drill) skill instead of Bluff (to mislead an opponent in melee combat), instead of Sleigh of Hand (to draw a hidden weapon), or instead of Intimidate (to demoralize opponent).
  • Foil Enemy (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability, a fighter can interrupt enemy's action. To foil, he must hit with a melee touch attack or ranged touch attack within first range increment. Using foil is an immediate action. A Fighter may not wait until an action is partially completed before deciding to attempt to foil it, but must instead make an attempt as it is declared. Note that this means that a Fighter may not foil a Full Attack (because it is not declared until after it has already begun), nor may he foil a move or charge action that began out of range. Foiled action is wasted, and any spell slots, limited ability uses, or the like used to power it are expended. (Original idea by K)
  • Instinctive Maneuver (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a swift action, a fighter can gain benefits of a fighter feat he doesn't know for one round. The fighter must meets feat's prerequisites.
  • Marksman (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a swift action, a fighter can use his Dexterity modifier instead of Strength modifier on damage rolls with ranged weapons for one round.
  • Nullify Advantage (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a swift or immediate action, you make an opponent within your reach ignore all circumstance bonuses and bonuses granted by feats to AC, attacks, and damage rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
  • Shield Guardian (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a swift action, if you are within 5 ft. of any ally, you grant him shield bonus to AC equal to one you possess, until the beginning of your next turn. This bonus stacks with any shield bonus the ally might have.
  • Soldier of Fortune (Ex): While in combat and within 10 ft. from any enemy, a fighter can spend one use of veteran ability to re-roll a failed saving throw made to resist an effect or ability of any foe.
  • Supreme Positioning (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a free action, a fighter can ignore all penalties caused by armor (arcane spell failure, armor check penalty, speed reduction, etc.) for 1 round.
  • Swift Strike (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a swift action, a fighter can take an attack action as a move action instead of standard action.
  • Tactician (Ex): By spending one use of veteran ability as a immediate action, a fighter can grant one extra attack of opportunity to an ally within 30 feet or move a willing ally by 5 ft in any direction. If he moves one ally, that movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. For this ability to work, a fighter must be able to speak and an ally must be able to understand him.

Shift Tactics (Ex)

Beginning at 5th level, as his combat skill grows, a fighter can adapt his tactical abilities to the changing challenges he encounters. Whenever he gains a fighter level (including level 5), he can exchange any [fighter] feat he has with another such feat. He must meet all prerequisites of the new feat. He cannot lose a feat that is the prerequisite for any other feats or abilities he has.


At 12th level, and every 2 levels thereafter (14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th), a fighter gains a special ability of his choice from among the following options. He can opt to take a bonus fighter feat or art of battle ability instead.

  • Adapt to Opponent (Ex): A fighter knows how to adapt to opponent’s combat techniques and thus gain advantage over the course of battle. For each two rounds a fighter is engaged in combat with an opponent, or observes that opponent fighting, he gains cumulative +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and AC against that opponent until the end of encounter. This bonus cannot exceed +1 per 5 fighter levels.
  • Armored Mobility (Ex): A fighter treats heavy armor he wears as medium and medium armor as light for purposes of determining his speed and running capabilities. This does not stack with abilities of mithral armor or any other similar effects.
  • Articulation (Ex): A fighter ignores 2 points of armor check penalty and increases maximum Dex bonus of any armor he wears by +2. This ability does not stack with bonuses granted by mithral armor.
  • Battlefield Superiority (Ex): A fighter suffers a cumulative -3 penalty on all iterative attacks, instead of the usual -5. For example, a character with BAB +19 and this ability performs full attack with +19/+16/+13/+10 bonuses, not +19/+14/+9/+4.
  • Counter-Tactics: Archers (Ex): A fighter knows how to defend himself from projectiles and thrown weapons. He gains a +3 dodge bonus to AC against all ranged attacks.
  • Counter-Tactics: Brutes (Ex): A fighter knows how to fight melee opponents who rely on brute force. He gains +5 bonus against attempts to bull-rush, trip, or overrun him.
  • Counter-Tactics: Flyers (Ex): A fighter knows how to fight flying creatures. He gains a +5 dodge bonus to AC against flying opponents, and +3 dodge bonus to AC against opponents attacking from higher ground or horseback.
  • Counter-Tactics: Fencers (Ex): A fighter knows how to fight melee opponents who use various skillful tactics. He gains +5 bonus against attempts to disarm, feint, or sunder him or items in his possession.
  • Counter-Tactics: Giants (Ex): A fighter underwent similar training to the dwarven anti-giant training. He gains +2 dodge bonus to AC against opponents who are one size category larger than the fighter. This bonus increases by +2 for each difference in size category. For example, a large fighter gains +6 dodge bonus to AC against all colossal creatures. Despite being of different types, this AC bonus does not stack with dwarven bonus against giants.
  • Counter-Tactics: Leaders (Ex): A fighter knows how to fight opponents who command their troops. As a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, a fighter makes Intimidate check to demoralize opponents (see Intimidate skill, page 76). Every opponent within 30 feet with Intelligence score of 3 or more that becomes demoralized, loses all morale bonuses to abilities, attack and damage rolls, and skills (this includes bonuses from spells and spell-like effects), for a number of rounds equal to 3 + fighter's Charisma modifier.
  • Counter-Tactics: Mages (Ex): A fighter knows how to fight spellcasters. He gains +5 dodge bonus to AC against spells and spell-like effects. In addition, he can use Constitution modifier in place of Wisdom modifier when making Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
  • Counter-Tactics: Mobs (Ex): A fighter knows well how to defend himself from multiple opponents at the same time. He gains +2 dodge bonus to AC and Damage Reduction 5 against attacks made by all opponents after the first one in any given round.
  • Counter-Tactics: Opportunists (Ex): A fighter knows how to fight melee opponents who use opportunity to deliver deadly blows. He gains +5 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity and gains Damage Reduction equal to half his fighter level against precision damage.
  • Counter-Tactics: Snatchers (Ex): A fighter knows how to fight grasping creatures. He gains +5 dodge bonus against grapple attempts and bite attacks. He also gains Damage Reduction equal to half his fighter level against bite attacks, constriction, and crushing damage when swallowed whole.
  • Diversity (Ex): Each feat that works with only one weapon the fighter has, now applies not to one weapon, but to a number of weapons equal to 3 + fighter’s Intelligence bonus (if positive).
  • Mastery of Armors (Ex): A fighter knows how to protect others with his armor. While wearing heavy armor, he can be used as cover by his allies.
  • Mastery of Feats (Ex): A fighter treats his ability scores as 4 points higher for the purpose of meeting requirements of feats with fighter descriptor.
  • Mastery of Shields (Ex): A fighter knows how to use shield to the fullest of its usefulness. He adds his shield bonus on all Reflex saves.
  • Reign of Steel (Ex): Fighter with this ability is trained to use his armor and shield to protect himself from a variety of environmental dangers. He reduces the damage he takes from fire, acid and cold effects by the armor and shield bonuses to AC. Furthermore, he reduces any falling damage by his armor bonus to AC.
  • Siege Engineering (Ex): A fighter can use Aid Another action on one siege weapon he commands. This grants it a +4 bonus on attack rolls and +4d6 bonus on damage rolls. He can also command at one time a number of siege weapons equal to his level, none two of which can be more than 100 feet away (or 400 feet away, if he has messengers on his disposal). All siege weapons he commands have their firing range increased by 10%.
  • Skills of War (Ex): A fighter has invested in learning skills that are not about killing others, but still essential on the battlefield. He gains +5 bonus on Craft (armorsmithing, bowmaking and weaponsmithing) checks, on Heal checks to perform first aid, on Bluff checks to perform feint in combat, and on Knowledge skills to determine enemies' abilities and weaknesses.
  • Supreme Combat Skills (Ex): You have trained your combat skills beyond the levels known to mundane warriors. As a result, you increase bonuses granted by two chosen feats by +2 (bonus types stay unchanged). The available feats are: Dodge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Mobility, and Trample. This ability can be taken more than once, but each time the fighter much choose 2 feat he didn't yet choose.
  • Watch Duty (Ex): The fighter needs only half as much sleep as normal person of his race would and gains immunity to sleep effects. In addition, the fighter can see all invisible creatures and objects as blurred, and can hear sounds in area of silence, but with a -10 penalty.

Epic Fighter

Epic fighter is a combat machine, a master of more battle maneuvers than any other character in the game. More than a mere sword-swinger, the epic fighter knows how to best his opponents in any arena.

Hit Points per Level: 1d10 + Con modifier.

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Level    Special
21th     Bonus feat
22th     Warcraft
23th     Bonus feat
24th     Warcraft
25th     Bonus feat
26th     Warcraft
27th     Bonus feat
28th     Warcraft
29th     Bonus feat
30th     Warcraft

Bonus Feat: An epic fighter gains bonus feat at 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter (23rd, 25th, 27th, and so on). Whenever he gains a bonus feat from this ability, he may either take an epic feat, or two non-epic feats. The list of available epic feats is same as in Epic Level Handbook.

Warcraft: An epic fighter gains extra special ability at 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter (24th, 26th, 28th, and so on).

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