Ultimate Mentalist

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Ultimate_Mentalist Also known as the soulknife.

The (PHB) tag means the relevant effect is in the Player's Handbook, (DMG) in the Dungeon Master's Guide, and (XPH) the Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Mentalists (Mnt) have the following game statistics.

Abilities: Mentalists are, foremost, warriors with a psychic flavor to them rather than being a melding of psion and warrior as is the case with the psycher or psychic warrior; thus, Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are of primary importance. Strength and Constitution for holohammerers are key since they cover melee damage and accuracy, though the other inner weapons are finessable. Mental stats provide no class-based benefit to mentalists, though having an above-average Wisdom helps Will saves and above-average Intelligence allows for more skill points. Charisma, like for most warriors, is the "dump stat," meaning placing your lowest score here will have no significant mechanical disadvantage.

Alignment: (XPH) Any.

Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills(XPH)

The mentalist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (XPH) (4 + Int modifier) × 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: (XPH) 4 + Int modifier.


Class Table

       Base            Fort  Ref   Will
Level  Attack Bonus    Save  Save  Save     Special        
1st    +1               +0   +2     +2      Mental induction I, Wild Talent
2nd    +2               +0   +3     +3      Mental induction II 
3rd    +3               +1   +3     +3      Psychic infusion - step 1 
4th    +4               +1   +4     +4      Inner weapon +1 
5th    +5               +1   +4     +4      Mental induction III 
6th    +6/+1            +2   +5     +5      Bonus feat 
7th    +7/+2            +2   +5     +5      Psychic infusion - step 2 
8th    +8/+3            +2   +6     +6      Inner weapon +3 
9th    +9/+4            +3   +6     +6      Mental induction IV 
10th   +10/+5           +3   +7     +7      Bonus feat 
11th   +11/+6/+1        +3   +7     +7      Psychic infusion - step 3 
12th   +12/+7/+2        +4   +8     +8      Inner weapon +5 
13th   +13/+8/+3        +4   +8     +8      Mental induction V 
14th   +14/+9/+4        +4   +9     +9      Bonus feat 
15th   +15/+10/+5       +5   +9     +9      Psychic infusion - step 4 
16th   +16/+11/+6/+1    +5   +10    +10     Inner weapon +7 
17th   +17/+12/+7/+2    +5   +10    +10     Mental induction VI 
18th   +18/+13/+8/+3    +6   +11    +11     Bonus feat 
19th   +19/+14/+9/+4    +6   +11    +11     Psychic infusion - step 5 
20th   +20/+15/+10/+5   +6   +12    +12     Inner weapon +9


All of the following are class features of the mentalist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mentalists are proficient with all simple weapons, with any weapon generated by their mental induction ability, with light armor, and with shields except tower shields.

Mental Induction

A mentalist can evoke a semi-real object, usually a weapon, made of energy of some sort, depending on his specialization. Whatever the mental induction ability creates, it is referred to as inner weapon, even if it's actually not a weapon in traditional sense. At 1st level, a mentalist must decide the type of mental induction he can perform. The available choices are ectowhip, exoskin, holohammer, mind blade, and soul disc. All inner weapons are magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction as well as being able to be sustained in an area where psionics do not function, such as a null psionics field, with a DC 20 Will save that must be repeated every number of rounds equal to the mentalist's level. Should he fail the save, his inner weapon turns to goo and he can try again as a move action on a future turn. All inner weapons can be affected by powers, feats, and spells that would affect a normal object of their type, such as magic vestment for an exoskin or a Improved Critical (holohammer) for a holohammer. All inner weapons apply the mentalist's Strength modifier to melee attack and damage rolls and his Dexterity to ranged and thrown attack rolls. Finally, all inner weapons are created with an item size category to match their wielder's size category, such as a medium shortsword for a medium mind blade-using mentalist.

Ectowhip (Su)

As a move action, a mentalist can create a semisolid ectoplasm whip for each hand-like appendage that grow from his hands. Each ectowhip is similar to a whip, but differs in appearance, is a weightless light weapon, and deals lethal damage as that for a dagger of its size regardless of its opponent's armor, though its critical is 20/x2. Unlike a whip, an ectowhip is a reach weapon and merely attacking with an ectowhip does not provoke attacks of opportunity; however, an ectowhip otherwise functions as a whip, including having its attack and damage rolls affected by Strength. Each whip can be cut by slashing weapons as each has hardness 10 and 10 hit points; however, a mentalist can simply create another on his next move action. A mentalist cannot sever an ectowhip from his hand, but he can make it vanish as a move-equivalent action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. An ectowhip is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

  • I. Ectowhip Training (Ex): At 1st level, a mentalist gains the Weapon Focus (ectowhip) and Two-Weapon Fighting feats, though Two-Weapon Fighting applies only to his ectowhips and counts as Two Weapon Figthing in terms of prerequisites.
  • II .Tentacles (Ex): At 2nd level, a mentalist’s control over ectowhips improves and he learns how to use them outside combat. When at least one of his ectowhips is present, a mentalist gains a +1 bonus on grapple, Balance, Climb, and Escape Artist checks per ectowhip.
  • III. Double Whip (Su): At 5th level, a mentalist can create up to four ectowhips and up to two for each hand. Don’t treat multiple ectowhips on a hand as separate weapons unless when enemy is attempting to sunder them. Each ectowhip beyond the first on any hand simply adds d4 damage upon a successful hit.
  • IV. Fine Manipulation (Ex): At 9th level, a mentalist learns how to use ectowhips with precision. He can use ectowhips as if he were using hands when carrying out tasks that require hands, such as writing or lock opening, but suffers a –5 penalty on any skill check that might be required. Ectowhips have small endings that can wrap around objects and control them as mentalist wills.
  • V. Triple Whip (Su): At 13th level, a mentalist can create up to six ectowhips and up to three for each hand. Don’t treat additional ectowhips as separate weapons\ unless when enemy is attempting to sunder them. Each ectowhip beyond the first on any hand simply adds d4 damage upon a successful hit.
  • VI. Storm of Lashes (Ex): At 17th level, a mentalist can control his ectowhips to such a degree that he can gain an upper hand in combat by attacking from different angles. If a mentalist attacks an enemy of the same or smaller size who is within 10 feet with ectowhips from at least two ectowhip using hands, the enemy is considered flanked by the mentalist.

Exoskin (Su)

As a move action, a mentalist can cover his entire body with psionic goo that instantly hardens to form a second skin that is hard, yet flexible. In addition, the exoskin has muscles and helps or enables the mentalist to perform amazing stunts of agility. The armor grants mentalist a +4 armor bonus to AC and is treated as light armor that has no weight, no maximum Dexterity bonus, and no armor check penalty, but has a 10% chance of arcane spell failure. Exoskins have a vast variety of factures and colors, such as scale-like, stone-like which is favored by dwarves, organic, spider web-like which is favored by drow, crystalline, and many, many others. The exoskin can be destroyed as it has hardness 5 and 40 hit points; however, a mentalist can simply create another on his next move action. A mentalist can undress from the exoskin as a move action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity simply by willing it to fall off; the exoskin dribbles down and forms a pool of harmless goo that vaporizes after few minutes.

  • I. Skin Warrior (Ex): At 1st level, a mentalist is infused with psionic knowledge of how to use his exoskin efficiently. He gains the benefits of the Improved Unarmed Strike and Weapon Focus (unarmed strike) feats when in his exoskin. In addition, he deals increased damage according to his size, though this does not stack with the monk's unarmed damage progression.
   Exoskin Unarmed Damage
             Mentalist’s size
   Level   Tiny Small Medium Large Huge
   1st     1d3  1d4   1d6    1d8   2d6
   5th     1d4  1d6   1d8    2d6   3d6
   13th    1d6  1d8   1d10   2d8   3d8
  • II. Ectoshell (Su): At 2nd level, a mentalist’s exoskin shields him from some of the elements and from sensory damage. He gains cold and electricity resistance 5 and a +2 bonus on saving throws against blinding and deafening effects, as well as inhaled poisons and similar gaseous threats. These resistances only stack with others that explicity mention that they stack.
  • III. Living Armor (Su): At 5th level, a mentalist can make his exoskin protect him better. His exoskin grants him a +5 armor bonus to AC instead of +4. A his living armor is constantly slowly moving on mentalist’s body, which causes a –2 penalty on any roll to confirm a critical hit against him, though a natural 20 on a confirmation roll is a guaranteed confirm. In addition, he his unarmed damage increases as per the above table.
  • IV. Muscle Layer (Su): At 9th level, a mentalist learns how to coordinate his exoskin’s movements with his own and make a good use of skin’s muscles, and, as a result, he gains a +4 bonus on all Jump checks, as well as a +2 bonus on Climb, Escape Artist, Move Silently, Swim, and Tumble checks.
  • V. Greater Living Armor (Su): At 13th level, a mentalist has realized most of his exoskin's potential. His exoskin grants him a +6 armor bonus to AC instead +5. The penalty against critical confirmations increases to -4 and his unarmed damage increases again.
  • VI. Second Skin (Su): At 17th level, a mentalist has realized almost the nonepic limit of his exoskin's potential. His cold and electricity resistances increase to 10 and he gains fire and acid resistance 5. His bonus on saving throws against blinding and deafening effects, as well as inhaled poisons and similar gaseous threats increases to +4.

Holohammer (Su)

As a move action, a mentalist can create a semisolid hammer composed of light. The hammer is identical in all ways, except visually, to a heavy mace of a weapon size category to match its wielder's. For instance, a medium mentalist materializes a medium heavy mace that he can wield in one hand, and the hammer deals 1d8 points of damage and with a 20/x2 critical. The wielder of a holohammer gains the usual modifiers to his attack damage rolls from his Strength modifier. The hammer can be broken since it has hardness 10 and 20 hit points; however, a mentalist can simply create another on his next move action. The moment he relinquishes his grip on his hammer, it dissipates unless he intends to throw it. (See below.) A holohammer is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

  • I. Holohammer Training (Ex): At 1st level, a mentalist gains the Weapon Focus (holohammer) feat.
  • II. Throw Holohammer (Ex): At 2nd level, a mentalist of 2nd level or higher can throw his holohammer as a ranged weapon with a range increment of 20 feet. Regardless of whether the attack hits, a thrown holohammer then dissipates. A mentalist of 3rd level or higher can use psychic infusion with a thrown holohammer and can use the hammer in conjunction with other special abilities. (See below for information on psychic infusions.)
  • III. Sculpt Holohammer (Su): At 5th level, a mentalist gains the ability to change the form of his holohammer. As a full round action, he can change his holohammer to replicate a warhammer or a maul. (See the appendix for weapon stats.) If a mentalist shapes his holohammer into the form of a maul, he uses it two-handed and adds 1.5 times his Strength bonus to his damage rolls, just like when using any other two-handed weapon. (Complete Warrior's Monkey Grip feat works on a holomaul.) Additionally, all powers, feats, and spells that affect his mace form also apply to his warhammer and maul forms. Alternatively, a mentalist can split his holohammer into two identical heavy maces, suitable for fighting with a weapon in each hand. The normal penalties for fighting with two weapons apply, but treat those maces as light weapons for the purposes of dual wielding. Both holohammers have an enhancement bonus 1 lower than the mentalist would otherwise create with a single holohammer.
  • IV. Quake (Su): At 9th level, a mentalist, as a standard action, can create a earth-shaking shockwave by violently striking the ground with his holohammer. Each creature standing on the ground withing 10 feet per mentalist’s Strength bonus, to a minimum of 10 feet, must make either a Reflex save with a DC of 10 + half mentalist’s level + mentalist’s Strength modifier or a Balance check of DC 15 + half mentalist's levels + mentalist's Strength modifier. Failure means the creature falls prone. A mentalist is immune to effects of his own quake.
  • V. Photonic Disruption (Su): At 13th level, a mentalist can use his holohammer to destroy psionic glamers, light, and darkness. Whenever a mentalist performs a melee touch attack against an effect of a power from (glamer) subdiscipline, or a power with the [Light] or [Darkness] descriptors with an intent of destroying it, both the mentalist and the power hit make opposed rolls. The mentalist adds his base attack bonus to a d20 roll while the power hit uses a manifester level check of its creator, even if its creator is dead or otherwise absent, and adds the power’s level to the result. If mentalist’s roll is higher or equal, the power is dispelled as per dispel magic.
  • VI. Holographic Strike (Su): At 17th level, a mentalist’s attacks with holohammer ignore up to 4 points of armor and/or shield bonus to AC in any combination. If the armor or shield has enhancement bonus, this bonus still applies to AC, and natural armor is unaffected.

Mind Blade (Su)(XPH)

As a move action, a mentalist can create a semisolid blade composed of psychic energy distilled from his own mind. The blade is identical in all ways except visually to a short sword of a size appropriate for its wielder. The wielder of a mind blade gains the usual modifiers to his attack roll and damage roll from his Strength modifier.

The blade can be broken as it has hardness 10 and 10 hit points. This inner weapon path is closest to the Expanded Psionics Handbook one.

  • I. Mind Blade Training (Ex): (XPH) At 1st level, a mentalist gains the Weapon Focus (mind blade) feat.
  • II. Throw Mind Blade (Ex): (XPH) At 2nd level, a mentalist can use his mind blade as thrown weapon with a range increment of 30 feet, and regardless of whether the attack hits, a thrown mind blade then dissipates. A mentalist of 3rd level or higher can make a psychic strike with a thrown mind blade and can use the blade in conjunction with other special abilities.
  • III. Mind Blade Shaping (Su): (XPH) At 5th level, a mentalist can change the form of his mind blade to more efficient. As a full round action, he can change his mind blade to replicate a longsword or a bastard sword, though he can only use a bastard sword one-handed if he is proficient. If a mentalist shapes his mind blade into the form of a bastard sword and wields it two-handed, he adds 1½ times his Strength bonus to his damage rolls just like when using any other two-handed weapon. Alternatively, a mentalist can split his mind blade into two identical short swords, suitable for fighting with a weapon in each hand with normal two-weapon fighting penalties; however, both mind blades have an enhancement bonus 1 lower than the mentalist would otherwise create with a single mind blade.
  • IV. Bladewind (Su): (XPH) At 9th level, a mentalist can shatter his mind blade to form many identical blades for a short time, each of which strikes at a nearby opponent. As a full attack, when wielding his mind blade, a mentalist can give up his regular attacks and instead fragment his mind blade to make one melee attack at his full base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. Each fragment functions identically to the mentalist’s regular mind blade. When using bladewind, a mentalist forfeits any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats or abilities, such as the Cleave feat or haste. The mind blade immediately reverts to its previous form after the bladewind attack.
  • V. Improved Mind Blade Shaping (Su): At 13th level, a mentalist can transform his mind blade to a variety of weapons. This works the same way as his mind blade shaping ability, but the mentalist can change his mind blade to any slashing weapon that at least vaguely resembles a sword, but the DM is the ultimate arbiter on such a weapon. If he changes his mind blade into an weapon with which he is unproficient, his nonproficency penalty is reduced to -2.
  • VI. Multiple Throw (Ex): (XPH) At 17th level, a mentalist can throw more blades than ever. He can throw a mind blade per round for every melee attack he could make.

Soul Disc (Su)

As a move action, a mentalist can create a semisolid disc made of shimmering energy. The disc can be used both as melee or thrown weapon and is nearly identical to a war disc. (See details of this new weapon in the appendix.) A soul disc created by a mentalist has a range increment of 10 feet.

The disc can be broken as it has hardness 10 and 10 hit points. The moment he relinquishes his grip on his disc, it dissipates unless he intends to throw it.

  • I. Soul Disc Training (Ex): At 1st level, a mentalist gains the Weapon Focus (soul disc) feat.
  • II. Sentry (Su): At 2nd level, a mentalist can, as a move action, make his soul disc fly around him within the disc's normal range increment, which is usually 10 feet, and act as a sentry, and, when he does so, he can create another soul disc in his hand. This sentry hovers around him, rotating at any rate the mentalist wishes it to. The disc will attack any creature that attacks the mentalist after that creature makes its attack, and acts as if the mentalist had personally thrown it. The disc disappears after making its first successful attack, though he can grab the disc as a move action or will it to disappear as a free action.
  • III. Dual Discs (Su): At 5th level, a mentalist can have two sentries at once and their range increment doubles, such as from 10 feet to 20. In addition, if a mentalist throws his soul disc and misses, the disc immediately returns to his hand and can be used in his next attack, though it does not strike any creature en route.
  • IV. Launch Sentry (Su): At 9th level, a mentalist can, as a standard action, command one sentry to fly with great velocity, like that of an arrow, toward a target within range. Treat this as normal ranged attack performed by the mentalist. Sentries launched by mentalist only return if they fail to hit the target if they would normally do so, such as from the returning weapon enchantment.
  • V. Swarm of Saws (Su): At 13th level, a mentalist can have up to three sentries at once and the range again doubles, such as from 20 feet to 40. In addition, he can spend a standard action to launch all his sentries simultaneously. Each launched sentry is a separate thrown attack that acts as if the mentalist performed the throw.
  • VI. Hunter Killer (Su): At 17th level, when a mentalist throws a soul disc or launches a sentry at a target and the attack fails, the disc stays in orbit around its target and tries to hit the target during the next 3 rounds. The disc can move up to 150 feet and make one attack each round unless it hits. Treat each such attack as a thrown attack as if mentalist made it. If the disc cannot hit its target for 3 rounds, it vanishes. Each disc psionically detects its target and ignores darkness, concealment, and invisibility. It will avoid visible barriers such as trees or walls, but will not detect magical dangers and can end up colliding with a wall of force or disappearing in a dead magic zone.A mentalist can declare a disc as a Hunter Killer after determining whether an attack hits, but before performing any other actions, and he is limited to one such disc at a time.

Wild Talent (Ex) (XPH)

At 1st level a mentalist gains the Wild Talent feat.

Your latent power of psionics flares to life, conferring upon you the designation of a psionic character. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 2 power points and can take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. You do not, however, gain the ability to manifest powers simply by virtue of having this feat.

At the DM discretion, this feat can be substituted with the Hidden Talent feat.

Psychic Infusion (Su)

By focusing on his inner weapon, a mentalist can bolster one of its functions with a dischargeable property. Using this ability is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity and he can use this ability as many times as he wishes, but after each use the infusion is gone and the inner weapon must be charged again. Once a mentalist has infused his inner weapon, it holds the extra energy until it is used. For example, even if the mentalist drops his mind blade, or it otherwise dissipates, such as when it is thrown and misses, it is still imbued with psychic energy when the mentalist next materializes it. The mentalist knows one type of infusion of his choice at 3rd level, and at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels he learns one additional type. Each mentalist is limited to one active infusion at a time.

Electric Saturation

A mentalist drenches his inner weapon in his bioelectrical energy which can cause spasm and jacitation. This ability works the same way as psychic strike, but instead of adding d8 damage, it causes a -1 penalty to attack rolls per step for the next round. For example, a 19th level mentalist would cause a –5 penalty on attack rolls.

Mind Wound

A mentalist can imbue his inner weapon with energy that disrupts minds of psionic creatures. This ability works the same way as psychic strike, but instead of adding d8 damage, it drains d6 power points per step to the target. For example, a 19th level mentalist would drain 5d6 power points.


A mentalist infuses his inner weapon with his own thought patterns so it can think for itself to a limited degree and thus find mentalist’s enemies easier. A mentalist can decide to use the infusion before he makes any attack roll with his inner weapon. If he does, he gains a +2 bonus per step on the attack roll, though the infusion is discharged immediately after attacking. For example, a 19th level mentalist would add 10 to his attack roll.

Psychic Strike(XPH)

A mentalist can infuse his inner weapon with destructive mental force which deals extra 1d8 points of damage per step. For example, a 19th level mentalist would add 5d8 damage.

Soul Wound

A mentalist can imbue his inner weapon with energy that disrupts souls of other creatures. When he infuses his inner weapon, a mentalist chooses either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. This ability works the same way as psychic strike, but instead of adding d8 points of damage, it deals extra one point of chosen ability damage per step of this ability to the target, and ability damage from soul wound cannot reduce a score below 1. For example, a 19th level mentalist could add 5 points of Wisdom damage

Inner Weapon (Su)

A mentalist’s inner weapon improves as the character advances. At 4th level the inner weapon gains a +1 enhancement which increases by +2 every four levels. Only half at most rounded up of that bonus can be an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls; the rest must be used to buy special weapon properties. For example, a 20th level mentalist could have a +1 keen frost ghost touch vorpal longsword, a +5 brilliant energy bastard sword, or something inbetween.

The weapon enhancement and abilities remain the same every time the mentalist activates his inner weapon. If the mentalist is capable of altering his inner weapon's form, the enhancement and abilities apply to any form the inner weapon takes. A mentalist can reassign the abilities and enhancement bonus he has applied to his inner weapon. To do so, he must first spend 8 hours in concentration after which the weapon materializes with the combination of enhancement bonuses and abilities selected by the mentalist; however, if the mentalist selects any ability that has a limited number of daily uses, his new inner weapon materializes with all uses already spent. Each type of inner weapon has its own list of available enhancements, as presented below. Exoskin is the exception as it can be enhanced with weapon abilities which take effect when a mentalist uses unarmed strikes, though the enhancement bonus is always to armor.

Inner Weapon Enhancements
   Weapon             Enh.        Ecto- Exo- Holo-  Mind  Soul
   Enhancement        Cost Source whip  skin hammer Blade Disc 
   Defending           +1  DMG    No    No   No     Yes   No 
   Dissipater          +1  XPH    Yes   No   No     No    No 
   Distance            +1  DMG    No    No   No     No    Yes 
   Flaming             +1  DMG    Yes   No   No     Yes   No 
   Frost               +1  DMG    Yes   No   No     Yes   No 
   Ghost touch         +1  DMG    Yes   No   No     No    Yes 
   Keen                +1  DMG    No    No   No     Yes   Yes 
   Ki focus            +1  DMG    No    Yes  No     No    No 
   Lucky               +1  XPH    Yes   No   Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Merciful            +1  DMG    Yes   Yes  No     No    No 
   Mighty cleaving     +1  DMG    No    No   Yes    Yes   No 
   Power storing       +1  XPH    Yes   No   Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Psychokinetic       +1  XPH    Yes   Yes  Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Seeking             +1  DMG    Yes   No   No     No    Yes 
   Shock               +1  DMG    Yes   Yes  No     Yes   No 
   Sundering           +1  XPH    No    Yes  Yes    Yes   No 
   Thundering          +1  DMG    No    No   Yes    No    No 
   Vicious             +1  DMG    No    No   Yes    Yes   No 
   Anarchic            +2  DMG    No    No   No     No    Yes 
   Axiomatic           +2  DMG    No    No   No     No    Yes 
   Collision           +2  XPH    No    Yes  Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Disruption          +2  DMG    No    No   Yes    No    No 
   Flaming burst       +2  DMG    Yes   No   No     Yes   No 
   Holy                +2  DMG    No    No   No     No    Yes 
   Icy burst           +2  DMG    Yes   No   No     Yes   No 
   Mindcrusher         +2  XPH    Yes   No   Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Psychokinetic burst +2  XPH    Yes   Yes  Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Shocking burst      +2  DMG    Yes   Yes  No     Yes   No 
   Suppression         +2  XPH    Yes   No   Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Unholy              +2  DMG    No    No   No     No    Yes 
   Wounding            +2  DMG    No    No   No     Yes   Yes 
   Bodyfeeder          +3  XPH    Yes   No   Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Dislocator          +3  XPH    No    No   Yes    No    Yes  
   Mindfeeder          +3  XPH    Yes   No   Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Soulbreaker         +3  XPH    No    No   Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Brilliant energy    +4  DMG    No    No   Yes    No    No 
   Great dislocator    +4  XPH    No    No   Yes    No    Yes 
   Coup de grace       +5  XPH    Yes   Yes  Yes    Yes   Yes 
   Vorpal              +5  DMG    No    No   No     Yes   Yes  

Exoskin Armor Enhancements
   Armor                            Enh.          Exo-
   Enhancement                      Cost   Source skin 
   Landing                          +1     XPH    Yes 
   Floating                         +1     XPH    Yes 
   Fortification, light             +1     DMG    Yes 
   Linked*                          +1     XPH    Yes 
   Quickness                        +1     XPH    Yes 
   Seeing                           +1     XPH    Yes 
   Silent Moves**                   +1     XPH    Yes 
   Slick**                          +1     XPH    Yes 
   Acid resistance                  +2     DMG    Yes 
   Fire resistance                  +2     DMG    Yes 
   Power Resistance (13)            +2     XPH    Yes 
   Spell Resistance (13)            +2     DMG    Yes 
   Ectoplasmic                      +3     XPH    Yes 
   Invulnerability                  +3     DMG    Yes 
   Fortification, moderate          +3     DMG    Yes 
   Gleaming                         +3     XPH    Yes 
   Power Resistance (15)            +3     XPH    Yes 
   Spell Resistance (15)            +3     DMG    Yes 
   Cold resistance, improved        +4     DMG    Yes 
   Electricity resistance, improved +4     DMG    Yes 
   Power Resistance (17)            +4     XPH    Yes 
   Spell Resistance (17)            +4     DMG    Yes 
   Fortification, heavy             +5     DMG    Yes 
   Power Resistance (19)            +5     XPH    Yes 
   Spell Resistance (19)            +5     DMG    Yes
   * - with other mentalists who can create exoskins.  This causes such mentalists to find each other relatively quickly and makes lone exoskin mentalists rarer.
   ** - does not stack with bonuses granted by the muscle layer ability.

Bonus Feat

At 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels a mentalist gains a bonus feat from list below. DMs wishing to append this list should remember that the Mentalist is primarily a melee combatant, though occasionally dabbles in other things. Feats that enhance Mentalist inner weapons are best, followed by warrior feats in general.

Player’s Handbook: Armor Proficiency (medium), Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Far Shot, Great Cleave, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Spring Attack, Toughness, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Whirlwind Attack.

Expanded Psionics Handbook: Deep Impact, Fell Shot, Ghost Attack, Greater Psionic Fist, Greater Psionic Weapon, Greater Psionic Shot, Psionic Charge, Psionic Dodge, Psionic Fist, Psionic Shot, Psionic Talent, Psionic Weapon, Sidestep Charge, Speed of Thought, Unavoidable Strike, Up the Walls, Wounding Attack.

Complete Adventurer: Brutal Throw, Combat Intuition, Danger Sense, Dual Strike, Hear the Unseen, Power Throw.

Complete Arcane: Mage Slayer, Pierce Magical Concealment, Pierce Magical Protection.

Complete Warrior: Combat Brute, Defensive Throw, Elusive Target, Flying Kick, Hold the Line, Improved Buckler Defense, Improved Toughness, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Karmic Strike, Monkey Grip, Pin Shield, Prone Attack, Roundabout Kick, Shock Trooper, Zen Archery.

Draconomicon: Sense Weakness.

Eberron Campaign Setting: Greater Powerful Charge, Powerful Charge, Precise Swing.

Player's Guide to Faerun: Dreadful Wrath, Fearless, Fleet of Foot, Foe Hunter, Forgeheart, Furious Charge, Two Sword Style.

Races of Stone: Earth Sense.

Races of the Wild: Plunging Shot.

New Feats (see below): Claws of the Beast, Immediate Materialization, Inner Weapon Focus.


An epic mentalist is a being of great power, if not reknown, infused with psychic energies and sporting weapons crafters of legend may forge. Hit Die: d8. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: (XPH) 4 + Int modifier.

Level     Special 
21st      - 
22nd      Bonus feat 
23rd      Psychic infusion (6th step) 
24th      Inner weapon +10 
25th      - 
26th      Bonus feat 
27th      Psychic infusion (7th step) 
28th      Inner weapon +11 
29th      - 
30th      Bonus feat

Bonus Feat: An epic mentalist gains a bonus feat at 22nd level and every 4 levels thereafter, 26th, 30th, 34th, etc. Whenever he gains a bonus feat from this ability, he may either take an epic feat from the Epic Level Handbook, Expanded Psionics Handbook, or from another DM-approved source, or two non-epic feats from the list above.

Psychic Infusion (Su): An epic mentalist’s infusion increases by one step at 23rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, 27th, 31st, 35th, etc.

Inner Weapon (Su): A mentalist’s inner weapon continues to advance at epic levels, albeit at a slower rate. His total enhancement bonus increases by +1 at 24th level and every 4 levels thereafter, 28th, 32nd, 36th, etc.


Claws of the Dynamic Beast

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! You can change your exoskin's damage type to be bear claws, scorpion pincers, or otherwise. Prerequisites: Exoskin ability.

Benefit: When your exoskin is active, you can treat your unarmed attacks as attacks with natural weapons. Additionally, before each attack you can decide whether that attack will be slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning. You may change the appearance of these weapons to be anything thematically appropriate as a free action once per turn, such as bear claws or tiger fangs for piercing damage.

Immediate Materialization

Before you can say "immediate materialization," your inner weapon is on.

Prerequisites: Inner weapon ability.

Benefit: You materialize your weapon as a free action, but you can do it only once per round.

Normal: Materializing an inner weapon is a move action.

Inner Weapon Focus

You know your inner weapon like the back of your hand.

Prerequisites: Weapon Focus with appropriate inner weapon, mentalist level 8.

Benefit: Your gain a +1 to attack rolls with your inner weapon.

What Goes Around Comes To Me

You really like catching things you throw.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with a war disc or similar boomerang weapon that requires a ranged attack to catch.

Benefit: When wielding war discs and similar boomerang weapons, you only fail to catch one you threw on a natural 1.



A maul is two-handed hammer of great size, usually made of wood; however, iron, steel, and some other metals can make effective mauls. Stats shown here are for a wooden maul.

Two-handed martial melee weapon

Cost: 24 gp

Damage: 1d12

Critical: 20/x3

Range Increment: None

Weight: 20 lb.

Type: Bludgeoning

War Disc

A war disc is a light exotic weapon that looks like a horseshoe-shaped set of blades, somewhat resembling two scythe shafts connected by a handgrip. Normally it sees little use because of its suboptimal characteristics; however, mentalists create such weapon from their mental energies for good use.

Normally, when war discs are thrown, but not launched by a Mentalist ability or similar means, and miss a target within 10 feet, the thrower can make an attack against AC 10, as if he were attacking with the war disc, to try catching it. If the thrower hits with the disc, he can try to catch it on its return, but its base AC is 20. He can try throwing it farther than 10 feet, but doing so increases the AC by 1 per foot. Success means he catches it and is able to use it at the start of his next turn, but failure means the disc lands 10 feet away from the thrower in a random direction.

Light exotic melee weapon

Cost: 20 gp

Damage: 1d6

Critical: 20/x3

Range Increment: 10 feet

Weight: 3 lb.

Type: Slashing

MECHANICS CHANGES: The War Disc now has a 10' range since, well, it is a disc.

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