Ultimate Prodigy

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Prodigies are born with the grace of the gods, being naturally talented in all they endeavor. They share a link to the heavens that grants them the ability to take normal everyday tasks and turn them into a romance of light and song. Prodigies bring their heavenly grace to everything around them in amazing ways that others could only dream of.

Adventures: Prodigies tend to be either loners or attention centers depending on how they use their godly powers for. Misunderstood by the churches, prodigies may find themselves traveling around a lot, or may even join cults dedicated to using there powers in more direct ways. At one point or another in their lives, prodigies usually go out and seek to better understand their powers and where they came from.

Characteristics: Prodigies can cast a modest amount of spells through the divine grace they were given at birth. As they learn to channel and harness their powers, prodigies learn to produce amazing results through everyday tasks. As they rely upon their skills to succeed in life, prodigies can sometimes be seen as more of a punishment than a blessing when danger strikes, but once the threat is subsided, anyone will be grateful to have brought him along.

Alignment:Prodigies can be of any alignment, it all depends on how they were perceived by society. In areas that there graces were seen as a gift, Prodigies tend to be lawful, while when they are shunned, they are likely to be as chaotic as they come.

Religion: The majority of prodigies know that their powers come from the heavens, but very few prodigies know, specifically, where their powers come from. Prodigies are known to try out many religions during their lives in an attempt to fit in somewhere. If they become discouraged, many withdraw from religion completely. Others go off adventuring in search of the source of their mystical powers.

Background: Many prodigies are born in places that a god holds close to his heart. This could be next to a specific oak tree, or atop a lost shine. As they grow, prodigies and their up-bringers notice their talents swelling, as everything they touch comes to a rather mystical end. Prodigies that try and hide their powers have a hard time doing so. When others learn about their talents, they are either shunned from society or rushed into a powerful position.

Races: Prodigies can be found in just about any intelligent race, although, they are most commonly found in areas that pay patronage to a rather chaotic god. In cultures with no concrete belief system, prodigies may be looked at as gods themselves.

Other Classes: Prodigies get along best with those who can appreciate their powers. Sometimes, rogues see them as rivals, while other rogues are grateful to share the load. Prodigies do best in groups where there are more then enough combatants to keep them alive, as the prodigies can take over just about any non-combat situation.

Starting Age: Moderate (same as bard, fighter, paladin, and others).

Starting Gold: 4d4 x 10 (average 100 gp)

Game Rule Information

Prodigies (Pro) have the following game statistics.

  • Abilities: Wisdom is important for the prodigy because her spellcasting depends on it. Intelligence is useful to the prodigy as it grants her more skill points, thus enabling better use of their supernatural counterparts. Good Constitution score allows the prodigy to live longer in combat and boosts their feeble Fortitude save. All in all prodigies are likely to use all abilities at one time or another.
  • Alignment: Any.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1d6 + Con modifier.
  • Hit points are maximized at 1st character level.
  • Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int modifier.
  • Skill points are multiplied by 4 at 1st character level.

Class Skills: The prodigy's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (all skills, taken separately) (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills, taken separately) (Int), Perform (all skills, taken separately) (Cha), Profession (all skills, taken separately) (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Table

       Base          Fort  Ref   Will
Level  Attack Bonus  Save  Save  Save  Special               .
1st    +0            +0    +2    +2    Bonus feat, omnibus, spellcasting
2nd    +1            +0    +3    +3    Divine revelation
3rd    +2            +1    +3    +3    Bonus feat
4th    +3            +1    +4    +4    Divine revelation
5th    +3            +1    +4    +4    Bonus feat
6th    +4            +2    +5    +5    Divine revelation
7th    +5            +2    +5    +5    Bonus feat
8th    +6/+1         +2    +6    +6    Divine revelation
9th    +6/+1         +3    +6    +6    Bonus feat
10th   +7/+2         +3    +7    +7    Divine revelation
11th   +8/+3         +3    +7    +7    Bonus feat
12th   +9/+4         +4    +8    +8    Miracle
13th   +9/+4         +4    +8    +8    Bonus feat
14th   +10/+5        +4    +9    +9    Miracle
15th   +11/+6/+1     +5    +9    +9    Bonus feat
16th   +12/+7/+2     +5    +10   +10   Miracle
17th   +12/+7/+2     +5    +10   +10   Bonus feat
18th   +13/+8/+3     +6    +11   +11   Miracle
19th   +14/+9/+4     +6    +11   +11   Bonus feat
20th   +15/+10/+5    +6    +12   +12   Miracle

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the prodigy.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Prodigies are proficient with all simple weapons, with light armor, but not with shields.

Bonus Feat: At 1st level, and every 2 levels thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, and so on) a prodigy gets a bonus feat. She cannot choose a feat of any subtype, and cannot choose feats that are described as bonus fighter feats.

Omnibus (Ex): A prodigy has knack for some skills, but can learn all others almost as easily. Whenever she spends skill points gained by prodigy class, she can spend one skill point, instead of normal two, to gain a rank in a cross-class skill.

Spellcasting: A prodigy casts divine spells, which are drawn from the Prodigy Spell List. To learn or cast a spell, a prodigy must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell's level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a prodigy’s spell is 10 + one-third the prodigy's level + the prodigy’s Wisdom modifier. Like other spellcasters, a prodigy can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day (excluding invocations, see below). The prodigy doesn't receive bonus spells per day for having high Wisdom score. Like bard or paladin, a prodigy may know a number of spells from each spell level equal to 3 + her Wisdom modifier. It is possible for her to learn spells above that limit, but the costs are high. A prodigy need not prepare her spells in advance. She can cast any spell she knows at any time, assuming she has not yet used up her spells per day for that level. She does not have to decide ahead of time which spells she’ll cast. Prodigy’s caster level is equal to 3/4 her class level, rounded up.

0-Level                1st Level                2nd Level                3rd Level                    4th Level              5th Level
Create Water           Alarm                    Aid                      Arcane Sight                 Air Walk               Fabricate
Cure Minor Wounds      Animate Rope             Bear's Endurance         Clairaudience/Clairvoyance   Charm Monster          Greater Command
Detect Magic           Calm Animals             Blur                     Create Food and Water        Confusion              Legend Lore
Detect Poison          Cause Fear               Bull's Strength          Cure Serious Wounds          Cure Critical Wounds   Major Creation
Ghost Sound            Charm Animal             Calm Emotions            Discern Lies                 Fear                   Mass Cure Light Wounds
Guidance               Charm Person             Cat's Grace              Fire Trap                    Locate Creature        Mass Suggestion
Know Direction         Command                  Cure Moderate Wounds     Glibness                     Minor Creation         Passwall
Mending                Comprehend Languages     Darkvision               Glyph of Warding             Neutralize Poison             
Open/Close             Cure Light Wounds        Delay Poison             Good Hope                    Phantasmal Killer             
Prestidigitation       Deathwatch               Detect Thoughts          Illusory Script              Speak with Dead               
Purify Food and Drink  Detect Secret Doors      Eagle's Splendor         Invisibility                                               
Read Magic             Detect Snares and Pits   Find Traps               Nondetection                                               
                       Disguise Self            Fox's Cunning            Quench                                                     
                       Divine Favor             Hideous Laughter         Rage                                                       
                       Endure Elements          Identify                 Remove Disease                                             
                       Erase                    Knock                    Secret Page                                                
                       Feather Fall             Lesser Restoration       Suggestion                                                 
                       Hide from Animals        Levitate                 Tongues                                                    
                       Hide from Undead         Locate Object            Water Breathing                                            
                       Hold Portal              Make Whole               Water Walk                                                 
                       Hypnotism                Obscure Object                                                                      
                       Lesser Confusion         Owl's Wisdom                                                                        
                       Jump                     Phantom Trap                                                                        
                       Longstrider              Scare                                                                               
                       Pass without Trace       See Invisibility                                                                    
                       Remove Fear              Speak with Animals                                                                  
                       Sanctuary                Spider Climb                                                                        
                       Ventriloquism            Status                                                                              
                                                Undetectable Alignment

Spells Per Day

        Spells per day    Invocations
Level   0 1 2 3 4 5       C.L.  known.
1st     2 - - - - -       1     1
2nd     2 1 - - - -       1     1
3rd     3 1 - - - -       2     2
4th     3 2 - - - -       2     2
5th     4 2 - - - -       3     2
6th     4 2 1 - - -       3     2
7th     4 3 1 - - -       4     3
8th     4 3 2 - - -       4     3
9th     4 4 2 - - -       5     3
10th    4 4 2 1 - -       5     3
11th    4 4 3 1 - -       6     4
12th    4 4 3 2 - -       6     4
13th    4 4 4 2 - -       7     4
14th    4 4 4 2 1 -       7     4
15th    4 4 4 3 1 -       8     5
16th    4 4 4 3 2 -       8     5
17th    4 4 4 4 2 -       9     5
18th    4 4 4 4 2 1       9     5
19th    4 4 4 4 3 1       10    6
20th    4 4 4 4 3 2       10    6

Learning New Spells: A prodigy can learn any spell from her list, but doing so is tasking and requires a sacrifice. To learn a spell, a prodigy must pay an amount of gold equal to spell level squared x 50 (or 25 gp in case of 0-level spells). That money is used as an offering to a deity (it should not be gold at all, but instead items of value to the deity that cost that much). In addition, prodigy prays for spells in a place sacred to her deity. Prayer must take 1 hour per spell's level (30 minutes for a 0-level spell) and can not be interrupted. If it is, it must be performed again, and the offerings are lost. If a prodigy attempts to learn a spell and she already reached her limit of spells known for that level, multiply gold cost by 10. A newly created 1st level prodigy knows a number of 0-level spells equal to her Wis bonus.

Invocations: A prodigy can cast some spells as invocations. That means that she doesn't need to spend a slot of an appropriate level to cast that spell. Any spell cast as invocation uses reduced caster level, as shown on table: spells per day. A prodigy can cast invocations even if she has no slots left. At 1st level, a prodigy learns how to cast one 0-level spell from the list below as invocation (provided she knows that spell). At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a prodigy learns how to cast another spell from the list. A prodigy can choose a spell she doesn't know yet, but she is unable to cast it until she learns it. She cannot, however, choose a spell she can't yet cast because her class level is too low to access that level of spells. List of spells a prodigy can cast as invocations:

  • 0 level - Guidance, Know Direction, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
  • 1st level - Animate Rope, Cause Fear, Lesser Confusion, Hide from Undead, Jump, Remove Fear
  • 2nd level - Calm Emotions, Identify, Obscure Object Scare
  • 3rd level - Fire Trap, Glyph of Warding, Rage
  • 4th level - Confusion, Neutralize Poison, Fear

Divine Revelation (Su): At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter up to level 10, a prodigy experience touch of the divine spark and develops an ability to use one of her skills in an amazing way.

  • Appraise: A prodigy can make an Appraise check as standard action to sense precious materials within 100 ft. Depending on the check's result, she detects the following: DC 10 - copper, DC 15 - silver, DC 20 - gold, gems, DC 25 - platinum, mithral, adamantine. Prodigy can take 10 or 20 on this check.
  • Autohypnosis: If the prodigy makes an Autohypnosis check DC 22, he receives a +4 competence bonus on his next skill check which must be made no more than 1 full round later. If he succeeds on a DC 25 Autohypnosis check, the first 5 points of damage per attack for the next round is considered nonlethal damage.
  • Balance: Ignore all difficult terrain by succeeding a DC 25 balance check, and become immune to nausea.
  • Bluff: The prodigy’s opponents get no bonus on their Sense Motive checks when the prodigy tells a radical lie with a DC 15 Bluff check.
  • Climb: The prodigy can scale surfaces with such speed and agility that he appears to run up the side of a wall. When climbing, the prodigy moves at his normal speed. Furthermore, the prodigy may move along a vertical surface as if it were a flat section of ground so long as he ends his move on a level surface. For example, a prodigy with a move of 40ft. could run 10ft. straight up a wall, 20ft. across the wall, and then 10ft. back down to the floor. If for any reason the prodigy is forced to end his move while on a wall, he immediately falls to the floor unless he is somehow secured in place. This ability works only if the prodigy is wearing light or no armor and carries no more than a light load.
  • Concentration: As a move action a prodigy can attempt to make the first five points of damage that he receives that round non-lethal damage by making a DC 20 Concentration check. For every 5 points beyond 20 the prodigy can make one more point of damage non-lethal.
  • Craft: The prodigy does not need Artisan’s Tools to make successful Craft checks. Also, a prodigy must fail a check by 9 or less, to make no progress in a week and must fail by 10 or more, to ruin half the raw materials and have to pay half the original raw material cost again.
  • Decipher Script: The prodigy can Read Magic as per the spell at will and read in total darkness.
  • Diplomacy: By making a successful Diplomacy check DC 25, a prodigy can create a Suggestion effect that affects anyone involved with the negotiation.
  • Disable Device: A prodigy can make a Disable Device from a distance of ten ft. by making a DC 15 Disable Device check. For every 5 ft. past ten, the DC increases by 5.
  • Disguise: When the prodigy makes a Disguise check, opponents receive no bonus to spot him. On a DC 20 check, the prodigy may use, at his discretion, his check as a casting of the Disguise Self spell.
  • Escape Artist: A prodigy can make an Escape Artist check to navigate his way through force effects and other solid magical barriers. The DC is equal to 10 + the level of the spell + the casters key casting ability stat.
  • Forgery: With a DC 15 Forgery check, the prodigy never raises anyone’s suspicions when he presents a forged document and therefore, no one receives any bonuses on opposing checks. And with a DC 22 Forgery check the prodigy even fools 0-3rd level divination spells.
  • Gather Information: The prodigy never has to pay for information; in addition, the prodigy’s Gather Info checks take minutes rather than hours.
  • ''Handle Animal: The prodigy may make a Handle Animal check DC 15 to produce a Calm Emotions spell effect that surrounds him in a 30ft. radius and a DC 20 check produces a Charm Animal spell effect.
  • Heal: The prodigy cures a number of hit points equal to half of his Heal check. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the prodigy’s ranks in the Heal skill.
  • Hide: The prodigy can become blurred as per the Blur spell with a Hide check DC 15 for 1 round; in addition, he may become invisible with a Hide check DC 20 as per the Invisibility spell for a number of rounds equal to half his ranks in the Hide skill rounded down.
  • Intimidate: If a prodigy makes a DC 15 Intimidate check, he causes all opponents in a 30ft. radius to become shaken for 3 rounds. An Intimidate check against a single opponent can cause it to become panicked for 1 round. The opponent and the prodigy make opposed rolls like a normal demoralizing Intimidate check.
  • Jump: The prodigy is treated as always having a running start on Jump checks and doesn’t suffer penalties on standing jumps.
  • Knowledge:
  • Arcana: The prodigy is under the constant effect of the Detect Magic spell and if the prodigy succeeds at a Knowledge Arcana check with the DC equaling the creatures HD, he may discern a special quality or trait (decided by the DM) about a creature that pertains to the Knowledge Arcana check. For every 5 points the prodigy beats the DC, he learns another quality or trait.
  • Architecture and engineering: If the prodigy succeeds on a DC 15 Knowledge architecture and engineering check, he produces a Detect Secret Doors spell effect. If he succeeds on a DC 20 Knowledge architecture and engineering check, he produces a Stone Shape spell effect.
  • Dungeoneering: The prodigy is under the constant effect of the Detect Snares and Pits spell and if the prodigy succeeds at a Knowledge Dungeoneering check with the DC equaling the creatures HD, he may discern a special quality or trait (decided by the DM) about a creature that pertains to the Knowledge Dungeoneering skill. For every 5 points the prodigy beats the DC, he learns another quality or trait.
  • Geography: A DC 15 Knowledge Geography check gives the prodigy an insight into his terrain and gives him a +1 circumstance bonus to his attack rolls for the next round. This increases by +1 for every 5 points the DC is beaten by. With a DC 20 Knowledge Geography check, the prodigy gains an insight into the terrain around him and receives a +2 circumstance bonus to his next Jump, Climb, Balance, Swim, or Tumble check made in a 100ft. radius from where he made the check. This increases by +2 for every 5 points that the prodigy beats the DC by.
  • History: When the prodigy makes a Knowledge History check with a result of 15, he gains a +1 to attacks and damage against a creature he has already faced. This bonus increases by another +1 for every 5 points that he beats the DC by. If the prodigy makes a successful Knowledge History check DC 20, he produces a Speak with Dead spell effect.
  • Local: The prodigy can attune himself to any community. This attunement takes 1 week of living in the community. After the attunement time, the prodigy can no longer get lost in the community and always knows the geography of the area 100ft. in all directions of his current position. This ability functions in the sewers and other confusing areas.
  • Nature: A prodigy can make a Knowledge Nature check DC 15 to produce a Detect Animals spell effect. Any Knowledge Nature check made by the prodigy gives him the daily forecast for a 5 mile radius.
  • Nobility and royalty: A prodigy can make a Knowledge nobility and royalty check DC 15 to call in a small favor from a low-level noble once every other day (this is at the DM’s discretion and may be used less based on excessive use). On a Knowledge nobility and royalty check DC 25, the prodigy can call in a favor from a mid-level noble once a week (this is at the DM’s discretion and may be used less based on excessive use).
  • Psionics: The prodigy is under the constant effect of the Detect Psionics power and if the prodigy succeeds at a Knowledge Psionics check with the DC equaling the creatures HD, he may discern a special quality or trait (decided by the DM) about a creature that pertains to the Knowledge Psionics check. For every 5 points the prodigy beats the DC, he learns another quality or trait.
  • Religion: The prodigy is under the constant effect of the Detect Undead spell and if the prodigy succeeds at a Knowledge Religion check with the DC equaling the creatures HD, he may discern a special quality or trait (decided by the DM) about an undead creature. For every 5 points the prodigy beats the DC, he learns another quality or trait.
  • The planes: With a DC 15 Knowledge the Planes check, the prodigy produces a Summon Monster I spell effect. With a DC 25 Knowledge the Planes check, the prodigy produces a Summon Monster II spell effect. And with a DC 35 Knowledge the Planes check, the prodigy produces a Summon Monster III spell effect.
  • Listen: The prodigy can hear normally in areas of magical silence with a DC 20 Listen check.
  • Martial Lore: All Martial Lore check DC’s are 5 lower for the prodigy.
  • Move Silently: The prodigy can make a DC 15 Move Silently check to become invisible to blindsight/blindsense for 1 round or a DC 20 check to become invisible to tremorsense for 1 round.
  • Open Lock: A prodigy never takes a -2 penalty to Open Lock checks when he’s not using thieves’ tools; in addition, if the prodigy succeeds on a DC 20 Open Lock check, he picks the lock as a standard action rather than a full-round action. A DC 25 Open Lock check results in the prodigy picking the lock as a move-action. The prodigy must still meet the DC for opening the lock for the class abilities to work.
  • Perform: By succeeding a DC 20 Perform check during a performance, a prodigy can produce one of the following spell effects: Cause Fear, Charm Person, Hypnotism, Sleep, or Remove Fear. The target(s) must be actively paying attention to the performance for at least ten minutes for the spell effect to take effect.
  • Profession: The prodigy can earn twice his Profession check result in gold pieces per week of dedicated work.
  • Psicraft: If any of the prodigy's spells has a psionic version (or there is a psionic power with similar effect), by succeeding a DC 20 + Power Level, the prodigy can manifest the psinoic version instead of casting the spell.
  • Ride: The prodigy may make a Ride check instead of a charge attack and if he hits his opponents AC, he leaps from the saddle and the attack is resolved as a normal charge but with a +4 bonus to damage. The prodigy uses his mounts speed as part of his charge action.
  • Search: The prodigy gains the trapfinding ability and may search a 5ft. by 5ft. square or a volume of goods 5ft. on a side as a swift action. This requires a DC 20 Search check.
  • Sense Motive: The prodigy can detect any alignment aura (as the Detect Good/Evil/Law/ and Chaos spells) he chooses as an immediate action with a Sense Motive with the DC of the creatures HD.
  • Sleight Of Hand: With a DC 10 Sleight of Hand check, the prodigy produces a Mage Hand or Open/Close spell effect. With a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check, the prodigy produces a Levitate spell effect but only pertaining to objects. Opponents do not get a +4 bonus when searching your person and all opponents take a -5 penalty to their Spot checks to notice your use of Sleight of Hand.
  • Speak Language: With a DC 10 Speak Language check, the prodigy produces a Ghost Sound spell effect. With a DC 15 Speak Language check, the prodigy produces a Ventriloquism spell effect. And with a DC 20 Speak Language check, the prodigy produces a Whispering Wind spell effect. This is an exception to the rule that the Speak Language skill does not actually involve any checks.
  • Spellcraft: When a prodigy casts a spell, he can make a DC 15 + spell level Spellcraft check to change the school of magic the spells comes from.
  • Spot: The prodigy gains low-light vision. If the prodigy succeeds on a Spot check DC his opponents AC, he can ignore the effects of an active Blur spell. If he succeeds at a Spot check DC equaling the casters caster check, he can see through a magical Darkness spell.
  • Survival: The prodigy is under a constant Detect Poison spell effect and can, if he succeeds on a Survival check DC 20, produce a Delay Poison spell effect. He also gains a +5 on Survival checks when hunting and tracking for food.
  • Swim:The prodigy takes no penalties for fighting underwater, also, he no longer takes an armor check penalty when making swim checks. The prodigy can hold his breath a number of rounds equal his swim check.
  • Truespeak: All Truespeak check DC’s are 5 lower for the prodigy.
  • Tumble: Additional opponents do not add to the prodigy’s Tumble DC and he no longer suffers any armor check penalty when tumbling.
  • Use Magic Device: If the prodigy uses a wand and succeeds on a UMD check DC 30, he activates the wand as a move action.
  • Use Psionic Device: If the prodigy uses a dorje and succeeds on a UPD check DC 30, he activates the dorje as a move action. This ability can only be used once per encounter.
  • Use Rope: A prodigy can, as a full-round action, Use Rope to make a lasso to attack his enemies with. A prodigy must succeed at a Use Rope check DC his opponents touch AC A lasso’s maximum range is 10ft. If you hit, the target is entangled. An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty on Dexterity, can move at only half speed, and cannot charge or run. If you control the lasso by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the entangled creature can move only within the limits that the lasso allows. If the entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make a DC 15 Concentration check or be unable to cast the spell. An entangled creature can escape with an Escape Artist check with a DC equal to your Use Rope check as a full-round action. The lasso has hit points equal to the rope’s hit points and can be burst with a DC 25 Strength check (also a full-round action). A lasso is useful only against creatures within one size category of you. For instance, a Small character wielding a lasso can entangle Tiny, Small, or Medium creatures. It takes a full-round action to retrieve and reset a lasso.

Miracle (Su): A prodigy discovers more powerful way to improve his skills with. At 10th level and every level thereafter, he gains a single ability from the list below. The prodigy may also choose to receive a Divine Revelation instead of a Miracle. The prodigy must have the Divine Revelation before he may gain the Miracle version. The two versions do not overlap, they instead coincide together providing both benefits with each skill roll.

  • Appraise: A prodigy can make an Appraise check as standard action to sense magic items within 100 ft. Depending on the check's result, she detects the following: DC 15 - minor items, DC 20 - medium items, DC 25 - major items, DC 30 - artifacts. Prodigy can take 10 or 20 on this check. In addition, a prodigy can spend a 3rd level spell slot as a full-round action to identify any minor, medium, or major item she holds in her hands.
  • Autohypnosis: If the prodigy makes an Autohypnosis check DC 30, he receives a +8 competence bonus on his next skill check which must be made no more than 1 full round later. If he succeeds on a DC 35 Autohypnosis check, the first 15 points of damage per attack for the next round is considered nonlethal damage.
  • Balance: The prodigy is able to walk on unstable surfaces, even water, by succeeding a DC 25 balance check
  • Bluff: With a DC 30 Bluff check, The prodigy is immune to lie-detecting spells and abilities though his opponent perceives that he isn’t.
  • Climb: The prodigy adheres to any surface, even slippery surfaces.
  • Concentration: The prodigy can make a Concentration, as a move action, against a DC 30, to gain DR/- for the rest of the round.
  • Craft: The prodigy can repair any magical item by making checks against the same DC that it took to make the item in the first place. The cost of repairing an item is one-fifth of the item’s price.
  • Decipher Script: The prodigy can read any language and while blind.
  • Diplomacy: Any attempt of Diplomacy, even a failed attempt, increases the opponent’s attitude by one step and a DC 35 Diplomacy check becomes a casting of the Dominate Person spell for 5 rounds.
  • Disable Device: A prodigy can make a melee touch attack against a construct and then make a Disable Device check to deal damage equal to its result. An attack in this fashion could cause the construct to become inert (at the prodigy’s option) with a DC 35 Disable Device check.
  • Disguise: On a DC 30 check, the prodigy may use, at his discretion, his check as a casting of the Alter Self spell.
  • Escape Artist: By making a DC 25 Escape Artist check the prodigy produces a Freedom of Movement spell effect for 5 round.
  • Forgery: The prodigy’s forged documents are always successfully believed and aren’t discernable as false by any means of divination magic with a DC 35 Forgery check.
  • Gather Information: With a DC 30 Gather Information check, all attempts to gather information for an hour, by the prodigy, become a casting of the Detect Thoughts spell.
  • Handle Animal: By maing a DC 30 Handle Animal check, All attempts by the prodigy at the Handle Animal skill Calms Animals in a 100ft. radius and makes them friendly towards the prodigy. This can also be done with magical beasts, but the DC becomes 40 instead.
  • Heal: The prodigy cures a number of hit points equal to his Heal check. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the prodigy’s ranks in the Heal skill.
  • Hide: If the prodigy succeeds on a Hide check DC 30 the prodigy becomes Invisibile (as the spell) for a number of round equal to his prodigy level.
  • Intimidate: If a prodigy succeeds at an Intimidate check DC 30, he produces a mass Fear spell effect in a 10ft. radius.
  • Jump: A prodigy can make a Jump check DC 25 to produce a Levitate spell effect. A DC 30 Jump check produces a Fly spell effect.
  • Knowledge:
  • Arcana: If the prodigy succeeds on a Knowledge Arcana check DC 25, he can produce any 1st level arcane spell that he has personally witnessed. If the prodigy succeeds on a Knowledge Arcana check DC 35, he can produce any 2nd level arcane spell that he personally been subject to. And on a DC 50 Knowledge Arcana check, the prodigy may produce any 3rd level arcane spell that he has personally been subject to.
  • Architecture and engineering: If the prodigy succeeds on a Knowledge architecture and engineering check DC 30, he produces a Stone Shape spell effect. If he succeeds on a Knowledge architecture and engineering check DC 35, he produces a Stone Tell spell effect.
  • Dungeoneering: If the prodigy succeeds on a Knowledge Dungeoneering check DC 30, he produces a Spider Climb spell effect while in a dungeon (the DM has the discretion as to what constitutes a dungeon).
  • Geography: With a DC 30 Knowledge Geography check, the prodigy produces a Pass Without a Trace spell effect. With a DC 35 Knowledge: Geography check, the prodigy produces a Find the Path spell effect.
  • History: A prodigy can tell what the history of the immediate future will be by making a Knowledge History check DC 25. This gleans him an insight bonus of +2 on his next roll and this bonus increases by +2 for every 5 points the prodigy beats the DC by.
  • Local: The prodigy becomes a virtual treasure trove of knowledge regarding his community. When meeting a person native to his community, he automatically knows their name, where they live, and what they do for a living.
  • Nature: A prodigy can make a Knowledge Nature check DC 20 to produce an Endure Elements spell effect. On a DC 25 result, the prodigy is not hindered by inclement weather, magical or otherwise for 10 rounds.
  • Nobility and royalty: A prodigy can make a Knowledge N&R check DC 35 to call in a small favor from a high-level noble once a month (this is at the DM’s discretion and may be used less based on excessive use). On a Knowledge N&R check DC 45, the prodigy can call an audience from no less than the King or Queen of the land twice a year (this is at the DM’s discretion and may be used less based on excessive use).
  • Psionsics: If the prodigy succeeds on a Knowledge Psionsics check DC 25, he can produce any 1st level psionic power that he has personally witnessed. If the prodigy succeeds on a Knowledge Psionsics check DC 35, he can produce any 2nd level psionic Power that he personally been subject to. And on a DC 50 Knowledge Psionsics check, the prodigy may produce any 3rd level psionic power that he has personally been subject to.
  • Religion: The prodigy can use his Knowledge of the religious arts to harm or heal undead. The prodigy rolls a Knowledge Religion check and the result either deals damage to or heals undead (prodigy’s choice). This ability only affects the undead and does not extend to the living. Deathless creatures are not immune to this effect.
  • The planes: With a DC 40 Knowledge the Planes check, the prodigy produces a Lesser Planar Ally spell effect. With a DC 50 Knowledge the Planes check, the prodigy produces a Lesser Planar Binding spell effect.
  • Listen: A prodigy can make a Listen check DC 30 to give him blindsense out to 60ft. for a number of round equal to half his prodigy level.
  • Martial Lore: If a prodigy identifies a maneuver an opponent is using, he can make a Martial Lore check versus his opponents attack roll and if he beats the DC, his opponents maneuver is expended and cannot be used again during that encounter.
  • Move Silently: If the prodigy succeeds on a Hide check DC 30, the prodigy can produce a Silence spell effect centered solely on the prodigy for a number of round equal to his prodigy level.
  • Open Lock: If the prodigy succeeds at a DC 35 Open Lock check, he produces a Knock spell effect. This ability extends to magically sealed doors of all but the most powerful abjuration magic (DM’s discretion).
  • Perform: The prodigy is a skilled performer and knows how to work a crowd for a quick buck or small favor. Once a day, the prodigy can spend 1 hour and make a single Perform check and if he succeeds at a DC 31 or higher, he makes that amount in gold and may receive a favor from a spectator (at the DM’s discretion).
  • Profession: The prodigy is considered the consummate professional in his area of expertise and is always offered the best paying gigs in the area he is in. Once a month, the prodigy can earn 5 times the result of his Profession check for a weeks worth of dedicated work.
  • Psicraft: On a Psicraft check DC 35, a prodigy can produce a Dispel Psionics power effect.
  • Ride: If the prodigy has the Mounted Combat feat and makes a DC 20 Ride check, he may use it twice per round. If the prodigy has the Trample feat and makes a DC 25 Rdie check, he may spur his mount to trample through as many as 5 opponents and may end this action with the leap from the saddle ability gained by the lesser Ride skill trick.
  • Search: The Prodigy can use the Detect Poison/Magic/Undead/Secret Doors/Traps with a DC 15 Search check.
  • Sense Motive: By succeeding a DC 25 Sense Motive check, a prodigy can Detect Thoughts as the spell. And also, by succeeding a DC 30 Sense Motive check, a prodigy can Detect Scrying as the spell.
  • Sleight Of Hand: Opponents now take a -10 penalty on Spot checks against your Sleight of Hand checks. Sleight of Hand checks made as free actions only take a -10 penalty rather than a -20 penalty. Additional Sleight of Hand checks made after an initial failure only increase the DC by 5 instead of by 10.
  • Speak Language: Whenever the prodigy succeeds at a Speak Language check DC 25, he produces a Tongues spell effect for 1 minute. This is an exception to the rule that the Speak Language skill does not actually involve any checks.
  • Spellcraft: On a Spellcraft check DC 35, a prodigy can produce a Dispel Magic spell effect.
  • Spot: The prodigy gains Darkvision out to 30ft. In addition, if he succeeds on a Spot check DC 35, he can see opponents and objects that are under the Invisibility spell as blurry for 1 round. If he makes a Spot check DC 45, he produces a True Seeing spell effect that lasts for 1 round. He may also make 1 spot check as an immediate action once per encounter.
  • Survival: The prodigy gains a +10 bonus to Survival checks when using it to track. In addition, if the prodigy succeeds on a Survival check DC 40, he produces a Neutralize Poison spell effect.
  • Swim: The prodigy gains a swim speed per round equal to his base land speed plus his Swim check. The prodigy can hold his breath a number of rounds equal twice his swim check or three times his Constitution modifier (whichever is higher), and he can take full-round actions without accelerating his ability to hold his breath.
  • Truespeak: All Truespeak check DC’s are 10 lower for the prodigy.
  • Tumble: The prodigy can tumble through any type of terrain without an increase to the Tumble checks DC. A DC 30 Tumble check allows the prodigy to ignore 30ft. of falling damage and an additional 10ft. for every 5 points he beats the DC by.
  • Use Magic Device: If the prodigy uses a wand and succeeds on a UMD check DC 40, he activates the wand as a free action. This ability can only be used once per encounter but in addition to the lesser UMD skill talent.
  • Use Psionic Device: If the prodigy uses a dorje and succeeds on a UPD check DC 40, he activates the dorje as a free action. This ability can only be used once per encounter but in addition to the lesser UPD skill talent.
  • Use Rope: The prodigy can cast Animate Rope with a Use Rope DC 25.

Epic Prodigy

The epic prodigy ...

Hit Points per Level: 1d6 + Con modifier.

Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Level    Special  .
21st     Bonus feat
22nd     Miracle
23rd     Bonus feat
24th     Miracle
25th     Bonus feat
26th     Miracle
27th     Bonus feat
28th     Miracle
29th     Bonus feat
30th     Miracle

Bonus Feat: An epic prodigy gains bonus feat at 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter (23rd, 25th, 27th, and so on). Whenever he gains a bonus feat from this ability, she may either take an epic feat, or two non-epic feats. She cannot choose a feat of any subtype, and cannot choose feats that are described as bonus fighter feats.

Miracle: An epic prodigy gains extra miracle ability at 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter (24th, 26th, 28th, and so on).

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