Ultimate Wilder

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Ultimate_Wilder ==Game Rule Information==

Wilders have the following game statistics.

Abilities: Same as in Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Points per Level: 1d6 + Con modifier. Hit points are maximized at 1st character level.

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier. Skill points are multiplied by 4 at 1st character level.

Class Skills: Same as in Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Class Table

       Base          Fort  Ref   Will                            Power   Powers  Maximum
Level  Attack Bonus  Save  Save  Save  Special                   Points  Learned Level .
1st    +0            +0    +0    +2    Externalization, passion, 8       1       1st
                                       powers, wild surge +1     
2nd    +1            +0    +0    +3    Emotional                 16      2       1st
3rd    +2            +1    +1    +3    -                         24      4       2nd 
4th    +3            +1    +1    +4    Euphoria (1st step)       32      6       2nd
5th    +3            +1    +1    +4    Turmoil (1st step)        40      8       2nd
6th    +4            +2    +2    +5    Wild surge +2             48      10      3rd
7th    +5            +2    +2    +5    -                         56      12      3rd
8th    +6/+1         +2    +2    +6    -                         64      14      4th
9th    +6/+1         +3    +3    +6    Turmoil (2nd step)        72      16      4th
10th   +7/+2         +3    +3    +7    Emotional                 80      18      4th
11th   +8/+3         +3    +3    +7    Wild surge +3             88      19      5th
12th   +9/+4         +4    +4    +8    Euphoria (2nd step)       96      21      5th
13th   +9/+4         +4    +4    +8    Turmoil (3rd step)        104     22      5th
14th   +10/+5        +4    +4    +9    -                         112     24      6th
15th   +11/+6/+1     +5    +5    +9    Wild surge +4             120     26      6th
16th   +12/+7/+2     +5    +5    +10   -                         128     28      6th
17th   +12/+7/+2     +5    +5    +10   Turmoil (4th step)        136     29      7th
18th   +13/+8/+3     +6    +6    +11   Emotional                 144     31      7th
19th   +14/+9/+4     +6    +6    +11   Wild surge +5             152     33      8th
20th   +15/+10/+5    +6    +6    +12   Euphoria (3rd step)       160     35      8th

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the wilder.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wilders are proficient with all simple weapons, with light armor and with shields (except tower shields).

Power Points/Day: Wilders need them to fuel their powers. Her base daily allotment of power points is given on the class table. In addition, she receives bonus power points equal to her charisma modifier times half her Wilder level.

Powers: Wilder knows very limited number of mental powers able to alter reality which equals to her base Will save. Choose the powers known from the Wilder's power list. A Wilder can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than her manifester level. The number of times a Wilder can manifest powers in a day is limited only by her daily power points. A Wilder simply knows her powers; they are ingrained in her mind. She does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though she must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all her spent power points. The Difficulty Class for saving throws against Wilder powers is 10 + one half Wilder level + the Wilder 's charisma modifier. To learn or manifest a power, a Wilder must have an charisma score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

Maximum Level: This number indicates top level of powers available to the wilder.


At 1st level, a wilder gains the ability to focus her emotions and shape them into a creature called externalization.Type of externalization depends on wilder’s passion (see ability of the same name), but all externalizations have common features.

Creating an externalization costs a wilder 1 power points per wilder class level. That is because externalization becomes more powerful with the wilder but also harder to conjure. To create an externalization, a wilder must spend 1 minute concentrating, and if anything breaks her concentration, she must make Concentration check (DC 20) or start from the beginning (and all spent power points are lost). If a wilder desires so, she can create weaker than normally possible externalization, simply by paying less power points. If she does so, externalization’s level dependant features are treated as if wilder was of level equal to the number of power points paid.

Each externalization is a floating, roughly round aberration with variety of organs and abilities and is always 2 sizes smaller than wilder’s original size. Exact externalization’s appearance reflects wilder’s mind and emotional state (and is up to player or DM, whoever controls the character). Sample descriptions of externalizations’ looks provided below are just examples and suggestions. For example, if wilder is envious, her externalization will be ugly and have greedy look in its eyes (or eye). If the wilder is in love, her externalization will be beautiful (at least by wilder race’s standards).

An externalization has half of the wilder’s ability scores (not modified by magic or psionics), half of the wilder’s hit points, and fly speed equal to wilder’s highest speed type (with perfect maneuverability). It also has half the number of ranks in each of the wilder’s skills (rounded down) and +1 natural armor bonus to AC per 2 wilder levels. An externalization has same number of hit dice, base attack bonus, and base saving throws as wilder. It has no feats. Externalization can attack with its bite (same damage as a short sword of its size). Sample externalization is described in appendix.

Externalization is sentient and intelligent creature that can be used as scout, warrior (which it does poorly), or as a conduit and amplifier of wilder’s powers, or to perform any task a wilder can think of. It can communicate telepathically with her wilder. Since an externalization’s mind is just a shard of wilder’s mind, it is blindly obedient to the wilder and doesn’t fear self-destruction (it realizes that would simply mean merging it back with its creator).

An externalization cannot move farther than 10 feet times wilder’s Charisma score. An externalization has unlimited duration, but is destroyed when wilders falls unconscious or asleep.

Anger: Anger externalization has usually big mouth filled with sharp teeth, mad or furious look in its eyes, and is covered with variety of blades. Anger externalization gains morale bonus on all attack rolls equal to wilder’s Charisma bonus. Blades cannot be used to attack, but they deal 2 points of damage each time a creature attempts to grapple or pin anger externalization. Whenever a wilder manifests any of following powers, that power can originate from her externalization:

breath of the black dragon, concussion blast, crystal shard, dissipating touch, energy bolt, energy burst, energy push, energy ray, energy stun, energy wave, mind thrust, psionic disintegrate, swarm of crystals, ultrablast

Excitement: Excitement externalization has big, wriggling eyes and many tentacles that lash constantly and relentlessly. It seems restless and moves constantly trying to see and hear everything there is. Excitement externalization gains morale bonus on all Will saves equal to the wilder’s Charisma bonus, and its speed increases by +5 feet per wilder’s Charisma bonus. Whenever a wilder manifests any of following powers, that power can originate from her externalization:

bend reality, control flames, detect psionics, detect remote viewing, eradicate invisibility, greater psionic teleport, psionic divination, psionic identify, psionic moment of prescience, psionic phase door, psionic plane shift, psionic teleport, reality revision, skate, trace teleport

Hope: Hope externalization has small, dysfunctional angelic wings and its face expresses determination and bravery. When the wilder creates this externalization, she chooses a number of skills equal to her Charisma bonus. That externalization gains +3 morale bonus on all those skills checks until its destroyed. Whenever a wilder manifests any of following powers, that power can originate from her externalization:

affinity field, aura sight, bestow power, co-opt concentration, déjà vu, energy conversion, intellect fortress, mass missive, missive, power resistance, psionic sequester, tower of iron will

Love: Love externalization is usually beautiful rainbow-colored sphere with pretty eyes and full lips. Love externalization can re-roll any roll, check, or save, and can do this a number of times per day equal to wilder’s Charisma bonus. Whenever a wilder manifests any of following powers, that power can originate from her externalization:

assimilation, attraction, correspond, empathy, forced sense link, insanity, mental disruption, personality parasite, psionic daze, psionic blast, psionic lock, psychic reformation, retrieve, sense link, telempathic projection

Sorrow: Sorrow externalization looks pitiful, filthy and scarred. Whatever it does it looks like it was the last thing externalization wants to do. Whenever sorrow externalization is destroyed, a wilder recovers half to power points she spent to create it. Whenever a wilder manifests any of following powers, that power can originate from her externalization:

apopsi, aura alteration, catapsi, death urge, deceleration, decerebrate, demoralize, disable, entangling ectoplasm, forced share pain, id insinuation, inflict pain, microcosm, mindwipe, share pain


At 1st level, a wilder must decide what kind of passion drives her. She might (and probably will) be haunted by many different emotions, but the chosen one is the strongest and affects many of wilder’s abilities to a certain degree. This ability grants minor effects, but it primarily sets the tone of a character and heavily influences other wilder’s abilities. The available passions are: anger, excitement, hope, love, and sorrow.

Anger: A wilder has the capacity to outburst, believes she has powerful rights (whether it is true or not), is demanding, sometimes resorts to sarcasm, seems to lack the ability to enjoy life, abuses her psychical prowess and is selfish and proud. Wilder with anger passion gains +2 bonus on all Intimidate checks, but a –2 penalty on Diplomacy checks.

Excitement: A wilder is a thrill seeker. He has inquisitive nature and asks a lot of questions. She is impatient and loves risk, Without it life ceases to make sense to the wilder. She feels alive only when scared. Wilder with excitement passion gains +2 bonus on Climb and Swim checks, but a –1 penalty on all Craft checks.

Hope: A wilder desires some greater goal she believes is good. She is supportive and a team player. She believes in self-improvement and better tomorrow, but can also be naïve at times, believing in people that gladly warp that trust. Wilder is fearless when realizing the goal she hopes for. Wilder with hope passion gains +2 bonus on all Diplomacy (when commanding others) checks, but a –2 penalty on all Sense Motive checks.

Love: A wilder is devoted to another person, idea, or deity. She sees good side of people and beauty in every place. She is incorrigible optimist. Unfortunately, a wilder doesn’t really need or want anything that her love, and always struggles with life if not surrounded by kind people. Wilder with love passion gains +2 bonus on all Perform checks, but a –2 penalty on all Survival checks.

Sorrow: A wilder suffers from uneasiness or pain of mind caused possibly by some great loss, or by disappointment in the expectation of good. She expresses her grief at having suffered evil. She is driven by regret, unhappiness, sadness, depression and, in extreme circumstances, suicidal tendencies. Wilder with sorrow passion gains +2 bonus on all saves against Charm powers and effects, but a –2 penalty on saves against death powers and effects.

Wild Surge

A wilder can let her passion and emotion rise to the surface in a wild surge when she manifests a power. During a wild surge, a wilder gains phenomenal psionic strength, but may harm herself by the reckless use of her power.

A wilder can choose to invoke a wild surge whenever she manifests a power. When she does so, she gains +1 to her manifester level with that manifestation of the power. The manifester level boost gives her the ability to augment her powers to a higher degree than she otherwise could; however, she pays no extra power points for this wild surge. Instead, the additional 1 power point that would normally be required to augment the power is effectively supplied by the Wild Surge. Level-dependent power effects are also improved, depending on the power a wilder manifests with her wild surge. This improvement in manifester level does not grant her any other benefits psicrystal abilities do not advance, she does not gain higher-level class abilities, and so on). She cannot use the Overchannel psionic feat and invoke her wild surge at the same time. At 6th level, the wilder may choose to boost her manifester level by two instead of one. At 11th level, she can boost her manifester level by up to three; at 15th level, by up to four; and at 15th level, by up to five. In all cases, the wild surge effectively pays the extra power point cost that is normally required to augment the power; only the unaugmented power point cost is subtracted from the wilder's power point reserve. If a wilder chooses to do this, she risks damaging herself in the process. If a wilder chooses to invoke a wild surge, there is a 10% chance of psychic enervation occurring, where the wilder is overcome by the strain of her effort. A wilder who is overcome by psychic enervation is dazed until the end of her next turn and loses a number of power points equal to her wilder level.


At 2nd level, and every 8 levels thereafter, a wilder’s emotional nature and way of life takes shape in a form of special ability. The abilities presented below are based on basic emotions humans (and most other races) can exhibit. While it is not a requirement, a DM can force a player to roleplay any ability she takes. It is also within DM’s right to forbid a player from taking any of the emotional abilities, if he thinks that it wouldn’t mesh with other abilities wilder has.

Ambitious: A wilder believes she is destined to do great things. She gains +2 bonus on her leadership score (which is useless unless a wilder has leadership feat or a similar ability).

Brave: A wilder does not succumb to feelings of fear. She becomes immune to fear.

Confident: A wilder’s charismatic personality helps her finish tasks from chosen field of expertise. Two skills of her choice become wilder’s class skills.

Diligent: A wilder enjoys working and can work very hard. She needs only half the normal time to craft or create anything (including creating psionic or magic items).

Disobedient: A wilder doesn’t like to be controlled, and cannot be with ease. She adds her Charisma bonus to Will against all compulsion powers and effects.

Friendly: Wilder is good-natured and avoids conflicts. Once per day she can add +2 deflection to her AC for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus. This ability can be taken more than once, each time increasing daily use by one.

Reserved: A wilder keeps to herself and doesn't parade with her moral code. She is immune to all spells and effects that have specific or improved effect against certain alignment or lack or thereof. This includes bonuses on attack and damage rolls. If a wilder uses any such ability herself (for example, if she casts a spell with evil descriptor), she loses this ability for 24 hours.

Sadistic: A wilder likes to inflict pain and suffering. Once per day she can add +1 on all attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus. This ability can be taken more than once, each time increasing daily use by one.

Shy: A wilder is reclusive and doesn’t enjoy others’ company. She adds her Charisma bonus to AC against all touch attacks.

Stubborn: A wilder doesn’t break easily. She adds her Charisma bonus on saving throws against effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion, or reduce Strength or Constitution scores.

Sympathetic: A wilder is compassionate and can pity wretched souls. She manifests all powers that remove negative effects or unwanted conditions from others at +1 manifester level.

Timid: A wilder is always on the edge. She gains +1 bonus on Reflex saves and adds her Charisma bonus to Initiative checks.


When a wilder uses her wild surge ability, her mind and body becomes affected by it as well. Exact effects of euphoria depend on wilder’s passion and level. At 4th level, the effects are noticeable but not powerful, as wilder is yet to unleash her full potential. The effects become more powerful at level 12th, and again at level 20th.

Anger: When a wilder uses her surge ability, she becomes enraged. She gains +2 morale bonus to her Strength score for a number of rounds equal to the intensity of the surge. At 12th level this bonus increases to +4. At 20th level it increases to +6. If a wilder is overcome by psychic enervation following her wild surge, she does not gain the morale bonus for this use of her wild surge ability.

Excitement: When a wilder uses her surge ability, she becomes more aware of her surrounding. She gains +2 morale bonus to her Wisdom score for a number of rounds equal to the intensity of the surge. At 12th level this bonus increases to +4. At 20th level it increases to +6. If a wilder is overcome by psychic enervation following her wild surge, she does not gain the morale bonus for this use of her wild surge ability.

Hope: When a wilder uses her surge ability, she becomes more able to accomplish tasks. She gains +1 morale bonus on all skill checks for a number of rounds equal to the intensity of the surge. At 12th level this bonus increases to +2. At 20th level it increases to +3. If a wilder is overcome by psychic enervation following her wild surge, she does not gain the morale bonus for this use of her wild surge ability.

Love: When a wilder uses her surge ability, she becomes more nimble. She gains +2 morale bonus to her Dexterity score for a number of rounds equal to the intensity of the surge. At 12th level this bonus increases to +4. At 20th level it increases to +6. If a wilder is overcome by psychic enervation following her wild surge, she does not gain the morale bonus for this use of her wild surge ability.

Sorrow: When a wilder uses her surge ability, she becomes more resistant to ravaging aspects of her passion. She gains +1 morale bonus on all saving throws for a number of rounds equal to the intensity of the surge. At 12th level this bonus increases to +2. At 20th level it increases to +3. If a wilder is overcome by psychic enervation following her wild surge, she does not gain the morale bonus for this use of her wild surge ability.


Wilder’s chaotic nature makes it difficult for other creatures to control her. The wilder achieves 1st step of this ability at 5th level, and advanced to next step every 4 levels thereafter. This ability works same way as volatile mind in Expanded Psionics Handbook, but also has additional effects; Depending on her passion, a wilder becomes empowered by specific powers others put on her.

Anger: When a wilder is affected by any power she otherwise could channel through her externalization, she is affected as normal, but also (after the power is resolved) gains +1 morale bonus on all damage rolls per number of steps for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus.

Excitement: When a wilder is affected by any power she otherwise could channel through her externalization, she is affected as normal, but also (after the power is resolved) gains +10 morale bonus to her speed per number of steps for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus.

Hope: When a wilder is affected by any power she otherwise could channel through her externalization, she is affected as normal, but also (after the power is resolved) gains +1 morale bonus on all Reflex and Will saves per number of steps for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus.

Love: When a wilder is affected by any power she otherwise could channel through her externalization, she is affected as normal, but also (after the power is resolved) gains +1 deflection bonus to AC per number of steps for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus.

Sorrow: When a wilder is affected by any power she otherwise could channel through her externalization, she is affected as normal, but also (after the power is resolved) inflicts -1 morale penalty on all Fortitude and Will saves per number of steps for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus to all enemies with 60 feet.

Epic Wilder

Level    Special  .
21st     Turmoil (5th step)
22nd     -
23rd     Wild surge +6
24th     -
25th     Turmoil (6th step)
26th     Emotional
27th     Wild surge +7
28th     Euphoria (4th step)
29th     Turmoil (7th step)
30th     -

Turmoil (Ex): A wilder’s turmoil ability becomes more potent by one step at 21st level and every 4 levels thereafter (25th, 29th, 33rd and so on).

Wild Surge (Su): A wilder’s wild surge continues to expand at epic levels. She can surge better at 23rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter (27th, 31st, 35th and so on).

Emotional (Ex): A wilder gains new emotional ability at 26th level, and every 8 levels therafter (34th, 42nd, 50th and so on).

Euphoria (Ex): A wilder’s euphoria grows in power by one step at 28th level and every 8 levels thereafter (36th, 44th, 52nd and so on).