Ultimate Adaptation Feats

Ultimate_Adaptation_Feats ==Altered Feats==

Improved Unarmed Strike You are adept at fighting with your arms and legs.

Benefits: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed - that is, you do not provoke attacks or opportunity from armed opponents when you attack them while unarmed. However, you still get an attack of opportunity against any opponent who makes an unarmed attack on you. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your option. You deal damage with unarmed strikes as if you were 1 size bigger (small character's damage becomes 1d3, medium character's damage becomes 1d4).
Normal: Without this feat, you are considered unarmed when attacking with an unarmed strike, and you can deal only nonlethal damage with such an attack.
Special: A monk automatically gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat at 1st level. She need not select it. A fighter may select Improved Unarmed Strike as one of his fighter bonus feats.

New Feats

Name - Prerequisites - Benefits

  • Chi Strike - Wis 17, weapon focus, weapon Ki strike, BAB +13 - use unarmed damage instead of monk weapon base damage
  • Debilitating Strike - Sneak attack +8d6, weakening strike - sneak attacks deal 2 Con damage
  • Fantastic Sneak Attack - Spot 13 ranks, sneak attack +7d6, appropriate Knowledge 2 ranks, incredible sneak attack - more sneak attack damage against one creature type
  • Flurry of Blows - Dex 15, Improved Unarmed Strike - make unarmed attack as move action
  • Globe Trotter - Absoulte confidence - bonuses on interaction skills with various races
  • Hurricane of Blows - Dex 17, BAB +11, storm of blows - another extra unarmed attack at full bonus when making full attack action
  • Improved Power-Up - base Fortitude save +6 - resistances improve to 5
  • Incredible Sneak Attack - Spot 10 ranks, sneak attack +5d6 - deal lowered sneak attack damage against creatures normally immune
  • Lasting Power-Up - base Fortitude save +6 - remain powered-up for 1 extra minute
  • Monk Weapon Training - Improved Unarmed Strike, flurry of blows - one weapon becomes monk weapon
  • Performer - rank in any two Perform skills - +2 on all perform checks
  • Storm of Blows - Dex 15, BAB +6 - extra unarmed attack at full bonus when making full attack action
  • Weakening Strike - BAB +7, sneak attack +3d6 - sneak attacks deal 2 Str damage
  • Weapon Focus: Improvised Weapons - BAB +1 - +1 on attack rolls with improvised weapons

Chi Strike [Monk]

You know how to channel Chi power through weapons to a great effect.

Prerequisites: Wis 17, weapon focus, base attack bonus +10.
Benefit: When wielding a “monk weapon� (monk weapon is any weapon a monk gains proficiency in as a class feature) you have weapon focus with, you may substitute that weapon’s base damage with your unarmed base damage lowered by 2. For example, siangham’s base damage is 1d6 and you, an 18th level monk, 1d4+9 points of damage with unarmed attacks. With this feat, you deal 1d4+7 points of damage when using siangham.
Special: You cannot use this feat with ranged attacks. A monk can take this feat as a bonus monk feat.

Debilitating Strike [Rogue]

You can sneak attack opponents with such precision that blows hamper them.

Prerequisites: Sneak attack +8d6 ability, weakening strike.
Benefit: An opponent damaged by one of your sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Constitution damage.
Special: A rogue can take this feat as a bonus rogue feat.

Fantastic Sneak Attack [Rogue]

You can deal even more extra damage to creatures naturally immune to critical hits.

Prerequisites: Spot 13 ranks, sneak attack +7d6 ability, 2 ranks in Knowledge skill apropriate to chosen creature type (for example, 2 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) for constructs), incredible sneak attack.

Benefit: Choose a creature type your incredible sneak attack feat applies to. You deal additional damage from sneak attack ability reduced only by 2d6 points to that type of creature.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat choose another type of creature. For each fantastic sneak attack you need to have incredible sneak attack with the same creature type. A rogue can take this feat as a bonus rogue feat.

Flurry of Blows [Monk]

You can make quick strikes with your knees and elbows.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit: You can make an unarmed attack as a move action.
Special: A monk can take this feat as a bonus monk feat.

Globe Trotter [Rogue]

You are an expert on another cultures.

Prerequisites: Absoulte confidence ability.
Benefit: Choose one race for each step of path of silvertongue you have. You gain +2 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and appropriate Knowledge checks when dealing with members of those races. If you later gain next steps as silvertongue, you can pick up additional races. You can pick a race only if you have at least passing knowledge of it.
Special: A rogue can take this feat as a bonus rogue feat.

Hurricane of Blows [Monk]

You can make incredibly fast strikes with your hands and fists.

Prerequisites: Dex 17, base attack bonus +11, Improved Unarmed Strike, Storm of Blows.
Benefit: Whenever you make a full attack, you gain two extra unarmed attacks at your full attack bonus. This feat overrides (does not stack with) storm of blows.
Special: A monk can take this feat as a bonus monk feat.

Improved Power-Up [Monk]

You can ignore elemental attack more easily.

Prerequisites: Base Fortitude save +6, power-up ability.
Benefit: Your energy resistance while powered-up increases from 2 to 5.

Incredible Sneak Attack [Rogue]

You can deal extra damage to creatures naturally immune to critical hits.

Prerequisites: Spot 10 ranks, sneak attack +5d6 ability.
Benefit: Choose a creature type that is immune to critical hits (constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, or undead). You can deal additional damage from sneak attack ability reduced by 4d6 points to that type of creature (for example, if you normally deal +8d6 points of sneak attack damage, with this feat you deal +4d6 points), but only if the creature is flat-footed (not merely flanked).
Special: This feat can be taken more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat choose another type of creature. A rogue can take this feat as a bonus rogue feat.

Lasting Power-Up [Monk]

You can keep chi inside your body much longer.

Prerequisites: Base Fortitude save +6, power-up ability.
Benefit: You can remain powered-up for up to 2 minutes, instead of normal 1.

Monk Weapon Training [Monk]

You are well trained in monk combat techniques with melee weapon.

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows.
Benefit: Choose one melee weapon (such as longsword) you are proficient with. You treat this weapon as a monk weapon for the purpose of the following abilities: five step attack, flurry of blows, greater flurry, perfect strike, supernatural strike, and tornado hands.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to another melee weapon. A monk can take this feat as a bonus monk feat.


You are very capable and diverse artist.

Prerequisites: 1 rank in any two Perform skills.
Benefit: You gain +2 competence bonus on all checks with all Perform skills that you have at least one rank in.

Roots of Ascension [Monk]

You can draw inner power from unusual source

Prerequisites: Sixth Sense ability, Monk level 1.
Benefit: Choose one attribute, Intelligence or Charisma. From this time your Sixth Sense ability bases on chosen attribute instead of Wisdom.
Special: A monk can take this feat as a bonus monk feat.

Storm of Blows [Monk]

You can make very fast strikes with your hands and fists.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, base attack bonus +6, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: Whenever you make a full attack, you an extra unarmed attack at your full attack bonus.
Special: A monk can take this feat as a bonus monk feat.

Weakening Strike [Rogue]

Your sneak attacks also cause muscle damage.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +7, sneak attack +3d6 ability.
Benefit: Whenever you deal sneak attack damage, the damaged opponent also takes 2 points of Strength damage.
Special: A rogue can take this feat as a bonus rogue feat.

Weapon Focus: Improvised Weapons [Monk]

Your martial arts of using surrounding items to fight has no equal.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: You gain +1 bonus on attack rolls with all improvised weapons.
Special: A monk can take this feat as a bonus monk feat.