Ultimate Expert

Game Rule Information

Experts have the following game statistics.

  • Abilities: Mental abilities are more important to experts than physical ones because they govern most of their trademark skills.
  • Alignment: Any.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1d4 + Con modifier.
  • Hit points are maximized at 1st character level.
  • Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int modifier.
  • Skill points are multiplied by 4 at 1st character level.

Class Skills: The expert chooses 6 skills to be her class skills.

  • Experts who specialize as craftsmen add all Craft skills to their list of class skills.
  • Experts who specialize as entertainers add all Perform skills to their list of class skills.
  • Experts who specialize as professionals add all Profession skills to their list of class skills.
  • Experts who specialize as sages add all Knowledge skills to their list of class skills.

Class Table

       Base            Fort  Ref   Will
Level  Attack Bonus    Save  Save  Save  Special                   .
1st    +0              +0    +0    +0    Harmless -1, Specialization
2nd    +1              +0    +0    +0    General expertise
3rd    +1              +1    +1    +1    Skill excellency 1/day
4th    +2              +1    +1    +1    General expertise
5th    +2              +1    +1    +1    Harmless -2
6th    +3              +2    +2    +2    General expertise
7th    +3              +2    +2    +2    Skill excellency 2/day
8th    +4              +2    +2    +2    General expertise
9th    +4              +3    +3    +3    Harmless -3
10th   +5              +3    +3    +3    General expertise

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the expert.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The expert is proficient in the use of all simple weapons and with light armor but not shields.

Harmless (Ex): An expert is treated as his Challenge Rating was lower by 1 for the purposes of him gaining experience and for others gaining experience for defeating the expert. His “virtual CR� is further reduced by 1 at 5th and 9th level.

Specialization (Ex): An expert must decide what is his field of interest, and this choice determine his class skills. There are 4 kinds of experts: craftsmen, entertainers, professionals, and sages. Craftsmen add all Craft skills to their list of class skills. Entertainers add all Perform skills to their list of class skills. Professionals add all Profession skills to their list of class skills. Sages add all Knowledge skills to their list of class skills.

General Expertise (Ex): At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, an expert gains 1 rank in each skill that meets the following criteria:

  • Skill is a class skill thanks to Specialization ability
  • An expert has 1 or more ranks in the skill
  • This ability is retroactive. For example: whenever a sage puts first skill point in any knowledge skill, he immediately gains 1 rank in that skill for each general expertise he has.

Skill Excellency (Ex): At 3rd level, an expert can re-roll any skill check that is a class skill thanks to Specialization ability. At 7th level an expert can use this ability twice per day.