Ultimate Psion

Ultimate_Psion Game Rule Information

Psions have the following game statistics.

   Abilities: Same as in Player's Handbook. 
   Alignment: Any. 
   Hit Points per Level: 1d4 + Con modifier. 
       Hit points are maximized at 1st character level. 
   Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier. 
       Skill points are multiplied by 4 at 1st character level. 

Class Skills: The psion’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Int) (all skills, taken individually), Profession (Wis), and Psicraft (Int). [edit] Class Table

      Base          Fort  Ref   Will                            Power   Powers  Maximum

Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Points Learned Level . 1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Discipline, bonus feat 8 1 1st 2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 - 16 2 1st 3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Ambient, apex, 1st layer 24 4 2nd 4th +2 +1 +1 +4 - 32 6 2nd 5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus feat 40 8 2nd 6th +3 +2 +2 +5 - 48 10 3rd 7th +3 +2 +2 +5 - 56 12 3rd 8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Ambient, apex, 2nd layer 64 14 4th 9th +4 +3 +3 +6 - 72 16 4th 10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus feat 80 18 4th 11th +5 +3 +3 +7 - 88 19 5th 12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 - 96 21 5th 13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Ambient, apex, 3rd layer 104 22 5th 14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 - 112 24 6th 15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Bonus feat 120 26 6th 16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 - 128 28 6th 17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 - 136 29 7th 18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Ambient, apex, 4th layer 144 31 7th 19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 - 152 33 8th 20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Bonus feat 160 35 8th

[edit] Class Features

All of the following are class features of the psion.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Psions are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff, and shortspear. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor does not, however, interfere with the manifestation powers.

Power Points/Day: A psion’s ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on the class table. In addition, he receives bonus power points equal to his chosen discipline ability modifier (clairsentience - wisdom, psychokinesis - constitution, psychometabolism - strength, psychoportation - dexterity, telepathy - charisma) multiplied by his manifester level. Psions focused on metacreativity receive bonus power points equal to their intelligence modifier multiplied by half of their manifester level.

Powers Known: A psion begins play knowing a number of powers equal to his intelligence modifier. Each time he achieves a new level, he unlocks the knowledge of new powers, located on the psion's table under powers learned. Choose the powers known from the psion power list, or from the list of powers of your chosen discipline. You cannot choose powers from restricted discipline lists other than your own discipline list. You can choose powers from disciplines other than your own if they are not on a restricted discipline list. (Exception: The feats Expanded Knowledge and Epic Expanded Knowledge do allow a psion to learn powers from the lists of other disciplines or even other classes.) A psion can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than his manifester level.

The number of times a psion can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points. A psion simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though he must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all his spent power points. The Difficulty Class for saving throws against psion powers is 10 + one half psion level + the psion’s Intelligence modifier. To learn or manifest a power, a psion must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

Maximum Level: This number indicates top level of powers available to the psion. Same as in Expanded Psionics Handbook. [edit] Discipline

All psions fall into one of six categories of manifesters, each of which focuses on different type of powers. Each discipline grants access to a number of specific powers, opens access to some skills, and allows a psion to develop unique brainwaves abilities. The six disciplines are: clairsentience, metacreativity, psychokinesis, psychometabolism, psychoportation, and telepathy. Members of different disciplines are called under specific names:

       Clairsentience: A psion who chooses clairsentience is known as a seer. Seers can learn precognitive powers to aid their comrades in combat, as well as powers that permit them to gather information in many different ways. Following skills become seer’s class skills: Gather Information (Cha), Listen (Wis), and Spot (Wis).
       Metacreativity: A psion specializing in metacreativity is known as a shaper. This discipline includes powers that draw ectoplasm or matter from the Astral Plane, creating semisolid and solid items such as armor, weapons, or animated constructs to do battle at the shaper’s command. Following skills become shaper’s class skills: Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), and Use Psionic Device (Cha).
       Psychokinesis: Psions who specialize in psychokinesis are known as kineticists. They are the masters of powers that manipulate and transform matter and energy. Kineticists can attack with devastating blasts of energy. Following skills become kineticist’s class skills: Autohypnosis (Wis), Disable Device (Int), and Intimidate (Cha).
       Psychometabolism: A psion who specializes in psychometabolism is known as an egoist. This discipline consists of powers that alter the psion’s psychobiology, or that of creatures near him. An egoist can both heal and transform himself into a fearsome fighter. Following skills become egoist’s class skills: Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), and Heal (Wis).
       Psychoportation: A psion who relies on psychoportation powers is known as a nomad. Nomads can wield powers that propel or displace objects in space or time. Following skills become nomad’s class skills: Climb (Str), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
       Telepathy: A psion who chooses the discipline of telepathy is known as a telepath. He is the master of powers that allow mental contact and control of other sentient creatures. A telepath can deceive or destroy the minds of his enemies with ease. Following skills become telepath’s class skills: Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), and Sense Motive (Wis). 

Bonus Feat: A psion gains a bonus feat at 1st level, 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level. This feat must be a psionic feat, a metapsionic feat, or a psionic item creation feat. [edit] Ambient and Apex

Most psions know that mental energies form a sort of field, and that that field has more than one dimension. Those extra dimensions, normally hidden from psionic creatures, can be accessed under certain circumstances. Psions are unable to consciously draw power from those dimensions, but they may know how to open themselves to them and let them flow through their minds. There are two known energy dimensions that psions discovered: hyperspace and subspace. Hyperspace is commonly known and referred to as Apex while subspace is known as Ambient.

Ambient (Su): Subspace, or Ambient, is a part of energy field where everything slows down, eventually to halt and vanish. Sometimes referred to as Mindfields or Shallows, Subspace is calm and predictable, but also stangnant and very hard to change or affect. Psions access Ambient when they are low on power points and unable to affect reality with their minds for much longer. Ambient abilities offer protective and defensive powers. At 3rd level, a psion opens his mind to the powers of subspace and reached its first layer. He reaches farther layers as he gains levels and his psionic powers increase. He reaches 2nd ambient layer at 8th level, 3rd layer at 13th level, and finally last 4th layer at 18th level. Access to each layer grants him an ability, chosen from the list, regardless of his discipline. Each ability is active as long as psion's current power points are no more than 20% of his total power points.

       1st Layer Abilities: 
           Digital Mind: A psion's mind acts analitycally and behaves unlike any other. He is immune to fear and charm powers and effects.
           Flatscan: A psion does not register as psionic creature as far as other creatures' powers are concerned. He also gains +2 bonus on saves against psionic powers.
           Kinetic Energy Absorbtion: For each 3 points of slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage a psion suffers (after resolving damage reduction and the like), he regains one power point.
           Umbilical Cocoon: Whenever a psion falls into negative hit points, he is immediately covered in ectoplasmic egg that stabilizes him. Egg has AC 5, damage reduction 15/adamantine, and a number of hit points equal to 10 + psion's level. 
       2nd Layer Abilities: 
           Aura of Infused Photons: A psion changes directions of light rays around him. He gains 20% concealment and enemies within 10 ft. are dazzled (no save). This ability doesn't work in total darkness and sightless creatures ignore its effects.
           Phrenic Deceleration: A psion emanates energy that slows down fast-moving objects that approach him. He gains +8 deflection bonus to AC.
           Probability Shift: A psion subconsciously alters chances around him. He gains +4 bonus on all saving throws.
           Unity of Thoughts and Flesh: A psion's body and mind are without a flaw. Psion is immune to ability damage and drain. 
       3rd Layer Abilities: 
           Bioreconstruction: A psion gains regeneration 0 that is bypassed by energy damage.
           Lifeline: A psion is immune to death effects and death from massive damage. He also gains DR 10 against precision damage.
           Mindfire: Psion's mind blazes with an inner flame. He gains fire immunity.
           Quantum Flux: A psion's mind reaches alternate realities and can borrow itself from the neighbouring ones. Whenever a psion dies, there is 50% chance that his perfect double is copied from alternate reality. This double is simply the same psion, but at 0 hit points. 
       4th Layer Abilities: 
           All Grinds to a Halt: A psion slows down all incoming objects and energy so they hurt him less. A psion takes only half damage from all effects (make the division after all other modifiers).
           Body from Thoughts: A psion crosses borderline between material and immaterial world. He gains incorporeal subtype.
           Power Sink: A psion's brain acts like a mental black hole. He gains Power Resistance 15 + his manifester level and +10 bonus on saves against psionic powers and psi-like abilities.
           Temporal Rewind: A psion slightly manipulates principles of cause and effect. Whenever making a d20 roll, he rolls twice and chooses either result. 

Apex (Su): Hyperspace is a dimension of psionic energy where everything is "more". Its the mind's fastlane. Hyperspace is commonly known as Apex, but other names include the Tangle, Cascade, and Stimulum. It's a place where thoughts are born and ideas fly with the speed of light itself. Everything is happening impossibly fast in hyperspace, and any sort of control, prediction, or even orientation is next to impossible. Only way to stand the apex is to clear your mind and enjoy the ride. Apex is extremly volatile and seemingly chaotic, and because of that abilities it grants are offensive in nature. At 3rd level, a psion opens his mind to the powers of hyperspace and reached its first layer. He reaches farther layers as he gains levels and his psionic powers increase. He reaches 2nd apex layer at 8th level, 3rd layer at 13th level, and finally last 4th layer at 18th level. Things happen so fast in apex, and it is so volatile, that any sort of control or choice in it is virtually impossible. Because of that, a psion does not choose his abilities from each layer, but instead gains fixed powers, based on his discipline. Each ability is active as long as psion's current power points are no less than 80% of his total power points. If psion's power points drop below 80%, his apex abilities remain in effect until the end of turn.

           Flood of Visions: At 1st layer, all creatures within 100 ft. attacking psion with either attacks, powers, or abilities, are dazed for one round, as per spell (no save). Whenever a creature is dazed thanks to this ability, flood of visions drains 1 power point from the psion.
           United Clairsentience Theory: At 2nd layer, all of the psion's Clairsentience powers have +3 DC and you are considered to have 1/4 psion level added to your manifester level when manifesting Clairsentience powers. Those powers don't get their DC increased by augmenting.
           Spatial Confusion: At 3rd layer, a seer can force a sensory backlash to anyone entering his mind, allowing them for the briefest of instant to see the world as the seer does, causing temporary madness as waves of visions and thoughts wash their reason away. Whenever a seer is subject to a hostile mind-affecting ability, the ability's originator must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 psion level + psion's Int modifier) or be confused (as per spell) for 1d4 rounds.
           Omniscient Targeting: At 4th layer, all touch attack powers manifested by the psion automatically hit. Make an attack roll anyway to determine if there is a critical threat. All touch attack powers that score a critical hit deal x3 damage, instead of x2. 
           Graviton Field: At 1st layer, a psion is surrounded with a field of fizzling particles that affect movement of creatures and objects. As a swift action the psion can change the radius of the field from 0 to 30 feet (in increments of 5 ft.). All ranged weapon attacks that pass through any portion of the field are made with a -4 penalty. Whenever a creature makes at least 10 feet of movement within the field, it has 50% chance of being moved 5 feet in a random direction after making it's move (that effect provokes attacks of opportunity).
           United Metacreativity Theory: At 2nd layer, all of the psion's Metacreativity powers have +3 DC and you are considered to have 1/4 psion level added to your manifester level when manifesting Metacreativity powers. Those powers don't get their DC increased by augmenting.
           Perfect Assembly: At 3rd layer, all creatures and objects created by psion's powers have +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls, and are under effects of haste.
           Artificial Equilibrium: At 4th layer, whenever a psion is attacked and damaged for at least 1 point of damage with a manufactured weapon, an identical weapon is summoned from the plane of Acheron and makes an attack at original weapon's wielder. The weapon hits automatically and deals damage as normal (as if wielded by a character with Str 10 and no chance for a critical hit). 
           Energy Resonance: At 1st layer, a psion ignores one point per manifester level of any damage reduction and energy resistances his enemies have.
           United Psychokinesis Theory: At 2nd layer, all of the psion's Psychokinesis powers have +3 DC and you are considered to have 1/4 psion level added to your manifester level when manifesting Psychokinesis powers. Those powers don't get their DC increased by augmenting.
           Null Power: At 3rd layer, energy damage dealt by psion's powers is treated as damage of unspecified type. All powers manifested by the psion lose their energy descriptors.
           Higher Energy State: At 4th layer, a psion's bonus from united psychokinesis theory extends to powers from all disciplines, and he always succeeds on manifester checks to beat power resistance. 
           Damper Vitality: At 1st layer, all opponents within 60 feet from the psion cannot heal damage by psionic or supernatural means.
           United Psychometabolism Theory: At 2nd layer, all of the psion's Psychometabolism powers have +3 DC and you are considered to have 1/4 psion level added to your manifester level when manifesting Psychometabolism powers. Those powers don't get their DC increased by augmenting.
           Pain Emission: At 3rd layer, a psion can deal 2 points of damage to any number of creatures within 30 feet at the beginning of each of his turns.
           Vitamin Deprivation: At 4th layer, all enemies within 30 feet of the psion are exhausted. At the beginning of each of every enemy's turn, it can make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 psion's level + psion's Int modifier) to be fatigued for that turn instead. 
           Agressive Halt: At 1st layer, a psion causes harm to moving creatures. Every hostile creature within 30 feet from the psion take 1 point of damage per 5 feet moved.
           United Psychoportation Theory: At 2nd layer, all of the psion's Psychoportation powers have +3 DC and you are considered to have 1/4 psion level added to your manifester level when manifesting Psychoportation powers. Those powers don't get their DC increased by augmenting.
           Astral Barricade: At 3rd layer, a psion bars others from astral movement. No powers that require access to the astral plane work within 100 feet of the psion.
           Hyperspace Acceleration: At 4th layer, a psion gains extra standard action each round that can be only spent on manifesting powers. 
           Hostile Mindlink: At 1st layer. a psion can feel the presence of his enemies' minds. He ignores concealment of all creatures with Intelligence score.
           United Telepathy Theory: At 2nd layer, all of the psion's Telepathy powers have +3 DC and you are considered to have 1/4 psion level added to your manifester level when manifesting Telepathy powers. Those powers don't get their DC increased by augmenting.
           Projections of Hate: At 3rd layer, whenever a psion is subject to a hostile mind-affecting power or effect, the effect's creator suffers 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per psion level and is dazed for one round. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 psion's level + psion's Int modifier) halves the damage and prevents daze effect.
           Mnemonic Camouflage: At 4th layer, all creatures with Wisdom score of 10 or less within 10 feet treat the psion as an ally. Whenever a creature acts differently that it otherwise would because of this ability, mnemonic camouflage drains one power point from the psion. This is a mind-affecting charm ability that allows no save. 

[edit] Epic Psion

Psion Level Special . 21st - 22nd - 23rd Bonus feat 24th - 25th - 26th Bonus feat 27th - 28th - 29th Bonus feat 30th -

Bonus Feat: An epic psion gains bonus feat at 23rd level and every 3 levels thereafter (26th, 29th, 32nd, and so on). Whenever he gains a bonus feat from this ability, he may either take an epic feat, or two non-epic feats. The list of available epic feats is same as bonus psion feats in Epic Level Handbook.