Ultimate Psycker

Ultimate_Psycker Also known as the psychic warrior.

The (PHB) tag means the relevant effect is in the Player's Handbook, (DMG) in the Dungeon Master's Guide, and (XPH) the Expanded Psionics Handbook.


Psyckers (Psc) have the following game statistics.

Abilities: As a secondary manifester and primary warrior, having high physical stats, namely Strength and Constitution, are key to survidving in melee, assuming you do so. Wisdom is important because it governs your manifesting ability and power points, and your PP are how you get augmentations. A typical melee psycker will have a moderately high Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom and an average or above-average Dexterity and Intelligence. Charisma for psyckers is a "dump stat," meaning you can place your lowest score here with little class-based mechanical detriment.

Alignment: (XPH) Any.

Hit Die: d10.

Class Skills (XPH) The psycker’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) × 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Table

          Base      Fort  Ref   Will                     Power   Powers   Maximum
Level Attack Bonus  Save  Save  Save  Special            Points  Known     Level 
1st        +0        +2    +0    +0   Bonus feat, powers   0       1        1st 
2nd        +1        +3    +0    +0   Augmentation         1       2        1st 
3rd        +2        +3    +1    +1   Psychic warfare I    3       3        1st 
4th        +3        +4    +1    +1   Bonus feat           5       4        2nd 
5th        +3        +4    +1    +1   Augmentation         7       5        2nd 
6th        +4        +5    +2    +2   -                    11      6        2nd 
7th        +5        +5    +2    +2   Bonus feat           15      7        3rd    
8th      +6/+1       +6    +2    +2   Augmentation         19      8        3rd 
9th      +6/+1       +6    +3    +3   Psychic warfare II   23      9        3rd 
10th     +7/+2       +7    +3    +3   Bonus feat           27      10       4th 
11th     +8/+3       +7    +3    +3   Augmentation         35      11       4th 
12th     +9/+4       +8    +4    +4   -                    43      12       4th 
13th     +9/+4       +8    +4    +4   Bonus feat           51      13       5th 
14th     +10/+5      +9    +4    +4   Augmentation         59      14       5th 
15th   +11/+6/+1     +9    +5    +5   Psychic warfare III  67      15       5th 
16th   +12/+7/+2     +10   +5    +5   Bonus feat           79      16       6th 
17th   +12/+7/+2     +10   +5    +5   Augmentation         91      17       6th 
18th   +13/+8/+3     +11   +6    +6   -                    103     18       6th 
19th   +14/+9/+4     +11   +6    +6   Bonus feat           115     19       6th 
20th   +15/+10/+5    +12   +6    +6   Augmentation         127     20       6th


All of the following are class features of the psycker.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A psycker is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light, medium, and heavy armors, and all shields except tower shields.

Power Points/Day: (XPH) A psycker needs power points to fuel his powers and may permanently sacrifice points to augment himself as per his augmentation ability. He also gets bonus points for having a high Wisdom score.

Powers: (XPH) A psycker knows a certain number of psionic powers equal to 1 power per psycker level from the psycker list, and, like other psionic classes, he may use the Expanded Knowledge and Epic Expanded Knowledge feats to expand his power list..

Maximum Level: (XPH) This number indicates the highest level the psycker may manifest.

Bonus Feat: At levels 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19, a psycker gets a bonus feat which may be either a psionic feat or a fighter bonus feat.

Psychic Warfare

A psycker is both a warrior and a manifester, and through rigorous training, learns how to merge those two disciplines into one powerful ability that gives him an edge in combat.

A psycker can spend power points to enhance his feats as a free action usable only during his action. He can only enhance feats that can be taken with his bonus feat class feature, even if such a feat is gained by another means. For example, Dodge can be taken as a bonus feat, meaning a psycker can enhance Dodge regardless of how he acquired that feat. A psycker can only spend up to a number of power points equal to his Wisdom bonus to enhance one feat, and the enhancement’s duration is 3 rounds plus the psycker’s Wisdom modifier to a minimum of one round unless stated otherwise in the warfare’s description.

When he gains this ability, the he can only enhance one feat per encounter; however, the same feat can be enhanced as many times in a given encounter as the psycker is willing and able to pay the power points for it. A new enhancement overrides the previous one if its duration hasn't expired, even if the new enhancement grants a lower bonus. At 9th level, the limit grows to 2 feats per encounter, and at 15th level to 3 feats per encounter. Regardless of the number of feats that can be enhanced in the same encounter, a psycker can only enhance one feat per round.

Below is the list of feats that can be affected by psychic warfare. This list contains feats from various Wizards of the Coast publications and is by no means complete. DMs are encouraged to alter this list as they see fit. In general, feats with a time limit, such as per round or day, increase this quantity, feats improving a character's attack or/and damage roll(s) increase this bonus with an insight bonus, feats requiring expending a psionic focus do not, and feats with a bonus that does not scale well balance-wise, such as Improved Critical, have a one-time enhancement. Only feats with combat use should be able to be enhanced.

  • Ability Focus: For each 2 power points spent, a psycker can increase an attack affected by Ability Focus by +1.
  • Aligned Attack: A psycker can only spend exactly 3 power points to enhance this feat. When a psycker misses with an aligned attack attack roll, the psionic focus is not expended.
  • Blind-Fight: A psycker can only spend exactly one power point to enhance this feat and its duration is instantaneous. When he does, he re-rolls one unsuccessful d% roll per round when trying to hit an unseen opponent.
  • Cleave: For each power point spent, a psycker gains a +1 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls on his cleaving attack.
  • Combat Expertise: For each power point spent, the psycker gains an additional +1 bonus to AC, not to exceed the amount granted by Combat Expertise. For example, if he had a base attack bonus of 4 and he chose to trade 4 points of attack bonus for AC, he could spend 4 power points to increase his AC by another +4.
  • Combat Reflexes: For each power points spent, a psycker can make one more attack of opportunity per round.
  • Deep Impact: A psycker can only spend exactly 3 power points to enhance this feat. When a psycker misses with a deep impact attack roll, the psionic focus is not expended.
  • Deflect Arrows: For each power points spent, a psycker can deflect one more ranged weapon per round, but each such additional attempt has only a 50% chance of success.
  • Dodge: For each two power points spent, a bonus AC granted by dodge increases by +1.
  • Far Shot: For each power point spent, a psycker can ignore penalties of one range increment.
  • Fell Shot: A psycker can only spend exactly 3 power points to enhance this feat. When a psycker misses with a fell shot attack roll, the psionic focus is not expended.
  • Focused Sunder: For each power point spent, a psycker ignores one additional point of hardness, regardless of whether he spends his psionic focus.
  • Ghost Attack: A psycker can only spend exactly two power points to enhance this feat. He can attack incorporeal creatures without suffering percentile miss chance as if he had ghost touch weapon, regardless of whether he is psionically focused.
  • Great Cleave: For each power point spent, a psycker gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and +2 insight bonus on damage rolls with each bonus attack gained by Cleave or Great Cleave.
  • Greater Two-Weapon Fighting: A psycker can only spend exactly two power points to enhance this feat. He uses his full strength instead of ½ his strength bonus when dealing damage with off-hand weapons.
  • Improved Bull Rush: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by bull rush increases by 2 points.
  • Improved Critical: A psycker can only spend exactly three power points to enhance this feat. The weapon’s critical threat range triples instead of doubles. For example, when used on a scimitar, the threat range is 12-20.
  • Improved Disarm: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by Improved Disarm increases by 1 point.
  • Improved Feint: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by Improved Feint increases by 2 points.
  • Improved Grapple: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by Improved Grapple increases by 1 point.
  • Improved Initiative: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by Improved Initiative increases by 1 point.
  • Improved Overrun: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by Improved Overrun increases by 2 points.
  • Improved Shield Bash: For each power point spent, a psycker deals +1 point of damage with any successful shield bash attack.
  • Improved Sunder: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by improved sunder increases by 2 points.
  • Improved Trip: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by improved trip increases by 1 point.
  • Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: For each power point spent, a psycker gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls with his off-hand attacks.
  • Improved Unarmed Strike: For each power point spent, a psycker gains +1 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls with unarmed or natural attacks.
  • Mobility: For each power point spent, bonus granted by mobility increases by 2 points.
  • Mounted Combat: For each two power points spent, a psycker can, once more per round, use a ride check in place of his AC to negate an attack as per the feat.
  • Multiattack: For each two power points spent up to four, a psycker ignores one point of the multi attacking penalty on attack rolls.
  • Multiweapon Fighting: For each two power points spent, a psycker ignores one point of the multiweapon fighting penalty on attack rolls.
  • Point Blank Shot: For each power point spent, the range of Point Blank Shot increases by 10 feet.
  • Psionic Fist: A psycker can only spend exactly 3 power points to enhance this feat. When a psycker misses with a psionic fist attack roll, the psionic focus is not expended.
  • Psionic Shot: A psycker can only spend exactly 3 power points to enhance this feat. When a psycker misses with a psionic shot attack roll, the psionic focus is not expended.
  • Quick Draw: A psycker can only spend exactly two power points to enhance this feat . He can pick a weapon from the ground as a free action if he can reach it without leaving his square.
  • Rapid Reload: A psycker can only spend exactly three power points to enhance this feat. He can reload all crossbows without provoking attacks of opportunity.
  • Rapid Shot: For each two power points spent, a psycker ignores one point of penalty on ranged attack rolls when using Rapid Shot.
  • Return Shot: For each power point spent, a psycker can return one more ranged weapon per round, but each such additional attempt has only a 50% chance of success. The duration of this ability is one round.
  • Sidestep Charge: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by Sidestep Charge increases by 1 point.
  • Snatch Arrows: For each power point spent, a psycker can snatch one more ranged weapon per round, but each such additional attempt has only a 50% chance of success.
  • Speed of Thought: For each three power points spent, the insight bonus granted by speed of thought increases by +10 feet.
  • Spirited Charge: For each power point spent, a psycker deals one more point of damage with a successful mounted charge attack.
  • Stunning Fist: For each two power points spent, the Stunning Fist’s DC increases by +1.
  • Trample: For each power point spent, the bonus granted by trample increases by 1 point.
  • Two-Weapon Defense: A psycker can only spend exactly three power points to enhance this feat. The shield bonus to AC granted by two-weapon defense increases to +2.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting: For each two power points spent, a psycker ignores one point of the two-weapon fighting penalty on attack rolls.
  • Unavoidable Strike: A psycker can only spend exactly 3 power points to enhance this feat. When a psycker misses with an Unavoidable Strike attack roll, the psionic focus is not expended.
  • Wounding Attack: A psycker can only spend exactly 3 power points to enhance this feat. When a psycker misses with an Wounding Attack attack roll, the psionic focus is not expended.
  • Weapon Focus: For each two power points spent, a psycker gains additional +1 bonus on attack rolls from weapon focus.

Augmentation (Ex)

Psyckers are renowned for their ability to permanently upgrade their bodies to work better on the battlefield. A psycker can augment himself for the first time as soon as he reaches 2nd level, and can do so again every three levels afterwards. The augmentations can affect different portions of his flesh and are grouped accordingly, but the psycker needs not focus on a single group; he can mix and match those abilities as he likes. More powerful alterations usually require weaker ones from the same group.

Forcing the body to change in sometimes drastic ways requires expenditure of psionic energy and leaves psycker with mental scars. Each augmentation permanently costs power points: Generally, the more powerful the upgrade, the costlier the expense. This fact alone causes some psyckers not to take any augmentations at all. Becoming augmented is not compulsory, but usually worth the price. If a psycker chooses not to take an augmentation as soon as he normally could, he may take it later, though doing so requires an hour of continuous meditation.

Whenever a psycker augments himself, he cannot choose augmentation that costs more power points than his current psycker level, nor can these augmentations be changed at a later time.

A creature without a Constitution score can be a psycker but cannot take any augmentations. A creature who has augmentations then somehow loses that score, such as from being a human psycker11/wizard11 then becoming a lich, keeps all augmentations that function in his new form, though is not refunded for any nonfunctional ones. For example, as a lich, the coagulating blood gland augmentation would have normally have no effect since undead are immune to critical hits, though aural shielding and healing factor would still function.

Ear Augmentations
  • Aural Shielding: A psycker gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against deafening spells and effects. This augmentation costs 1 power point.
    • Greater Aural Shielding: A psycker becomes immune to deafening spells and effects. This augmentation costs 3 power points and requires aural shielding.
  • Inner Gyroscope: A psycker gains a +6 bonus on all Balance checks. This augmentation costs 3 power points and may be retaken, each time increasing the Balance bonus by +6.
  • Sonic Amplification: A psycker gains a +3 bonus on all Listen Checks. This augmentation costs 3 power points and may be retaken, each time increasing the Listen bonus by +3.
    • Improved Tympanum: A psycker gains blindsense out to 30 feet or his blindsense's range increases by 30 feet. (See page 306 of the Monster Manual for details.) This augmentation costs 11 power points and requires sonic amplification.
      • Echolocation: A psycker’s gains 30 foot blindsight or his blindsight's range increases by 30 feet. (See page 306 of the Monster Manual for details.) This augmentation costs 15 power points and requires improved tympanum and sonic amplification.

Eye Augmentations
  • Bionic Eyeballs: A psycker gains a +3 bonus on all Spot checks. This augmentation costs 3 power points and may be retaken, each time increasing the Spot bonus by +3..
    • Light Amplification: A psycker, if he lacks it, gains low-light vision equal to that of a typical elf, or, if he has it, its range increases by one time. This augmentation costs 5 power points and requires bionic eyeballs to be taken. It may be retaken, each time increasing its range by one time. For example, a standard elf who took light amplification twice would be able to see four times as far in torch light and dimly-lit areas.
      • Full Spectrum Vision: A psycker, if he lacks it, gains 60 foot darkvision, or, if he has it, its range increases by 60 feet. This augmentation costs 7 power points and requires the psycker to have permanent extraordinary low-light vision, such as from being a typical elf or being a human with the light amplification augmentation. Alternatively, a creature with permanent extraordinary darkvision, such as a typical dwarf, could take this ability. Full spectrum vision can be taken more than once, each time increasing darkvision's range by 60 feet.
  • Iris Lens: A psycker’s gains a +4 bonus on all Search checks. This augmentation costs 3 power points and may be retaken, each time increasing the Search bonus by +4.
  • Ocular Shielding: A psycker gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against blinding spells and effects and gaze attacks. This augmentation costs 3 power points.
    • Greater Ocular Shielding: A psycker becomes immune to blinding spells and effects as well as gaze attacks. This augmentation costs 9 power points and requires ocular shielding.

Gland Augmentations
  • Biostomach: A psycker needs only half food and water for a standard member of his race to survive, and can eat and drink almost any organic matter, including wood, rotten meat, and urine. This augmentation costs 1 power point.
  • Coagulating Blood: A psycker becomes immune to the wounding ability of weapons and creatures. This augmentation costs 1 power point.
  • Extraorganic Tolerance: A psycker gains a +10 bonus on saving throws against all poisons. This augmentation costs 9 power points.
    • Glandular Neutralization: A psycker becomes immune to all poisons. This augmentation costs 13 power points and requires extraorganic tolerance.
  • Healing Factor: A psycker gains fast healing 1. This augmentation can be taken up to three times, each time increasing fast healing by 1 and costing 11 power points.
  • Pheromone Emission: A psycker’s body can emit smells that improve others’ attitude toward him. He gains a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Diplomacy checks made against a living creature with sense of smell and this bonus increases to +4 if the creature has the scent ability. This augmentation may be retaken, each time improving the Bluff and Diplomacy bonuses by +2, or, if the target has the scent ability, by +4, and costing 3 power points.
  • Viral Resistance: A psycker gains a +10 bonus on saving throws against all diseases. This augmentation costs 7 power points.
    • Viral Vaccination: A psycker becomes immune to all diseases. This augmentation costs 11power points and requires virtal resistance.

Lung and Throat Augmentations
  • Calming Reverberations: A psycker gains a +4 bonus on all Diplomacy checks. This augmentation may be retaken, each time improving the bonus to Diplomacy checks by +4 and costing 3 power points.
  • Improved Lung Capacity: A psycker can hold breath for a number of minutes equal to double his Constitution score. This augmentation costs 1 power point.
    • Breathless: A psycker does not need to breathe to survive. This augmentation costs 7 power points and requires improved lung capacity.
  • Modulated Voice: A psycker gains a +4 bonus on all Intimidate checks. This augmentation may be retaken, each time increasing the bonus to Indimidate checks by +4 and costing 1 power point.
  • Pressurized Exhaust: A psycker can huff and puff. Once per minute, he can duplicate the effect of a gust of wind spell by blowing in a specific direction. This effect, which draws attacks of opportunity, is completely nonmagical and requires a full-round action to use. This augmentation costs 5 power points.
  • Trachea Filter: A psycker gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against inhaled poison and other spells and effects that require inhalation. This augmentation costs 1 power point.

Muscle Augmentations
  • Dragoon Legs: A psycker becomes closer to being able to jump like certain dragoons of note. He gains a +8 bonus on all Jump checks. This augmentation may be retaken, each time increasing the bonus by +8 and costing 3 power points.
  • Expedited Locomotion: A psycker’s limbs are well developed and allow him to move faster. He gains a +10 bonus to one of his extraordinary Speeds, such as walking. This augmentation can be taken up to three times, each time increasing speed by 10 feet and costing 4 power points.
  • Flexible Torso: A psycker gains a +4 bonus on all Tumble checks. This augmentation may be retaken, each time increasing the Tumble bonus by +4 and costing 3 power points.
  • Improved Musculature: A psycker gains a +6 bonus on all Climb checks. This augmentation may be retaken, each time improving the bonus to Climb checks by +6 and costing 3 power points.
  • Locomotive Limbs: A psycker becomes immune to paralysis. This augmentation costs 3 power points.
  • Primate Climbing: If you lack a climb speed, you gain one of 10 feet, or, if you have one, your climb speed increases by 10 feet. This augmentation requires improved musculature and may be retaken, each time increasing your climb speed by 10 feet and costing 7 power points.
  • Weak Point Negation: Whenever a psycker is dealt critical hit, he has a 10% chance to turn that hit into normal hit. This works the same way as the fortification ability of magic armors and stacks with fortification and similar abilities and item properties. Weak point negation may be retaken, each time increasing this chance by 10% and costing 5 power points.

Nervous System Augmentations
  • Autonomy: A psycker gains a +2 bonus to Will saves. This augmentation may be retaken, each time improving the bonus to Will saves by +2 and costing 4 power points.
  • Cerebral Grid: A psycker gains +4 bonus on saving throws against stunning spells and effects and is immune to involuntary sleep spells and effects like a typical elf. This augmentation costs 5 power points.
  • Emotional Lockdown: A psycker becomes immune to fear spells and effects. This augmentation costs 5 power points.
  • Mental Dam: A psycker gains a +2 bonus on Will saves against compulsion spells and effects. This augmentation may be retaken, each time increasing the bonus to Will saves against compulsion spells and effects by +2 and costing 1 power point.
    • Stable Self: A psycker becomes immune to compulsion spells and effects. This augmentation costs 17 power points and requires mental dam.
  • Neural Current: Because of his dealings with his bioelectricity, a psycker understands its nature and becomes able to resist it from without, thus gaining electricity resistance 10. This augmentation can be taken up to three times, each time increasing electricity resistance by 10 and costing 7 power points. Electricity resistance granted by neural current does not stack with other electricity resistance.
  • Twitch Reflexes: A psycker gains a +1 bonus on all Reflex saves and +2 bonus on all Initiative checks. This augmentation can be taken up to three times, each time increasing the Reflex bonus by +1 and Initiative bonus by +2 and costing 5 power points.

Skeleton Augmentations
  • Cervical Durability: A psycker is immune to the vorpal ability of weapons and creatures. This augmentation costs 1 power point.
  • Exospikes: A psycker can grow bone spikes from his body on command. As a move action, he grows finger-sized spikes on all bare body parts except the face. These spikes grant him a +2 bonus to unarmed damage, and he deals 2 points of damage per round to any creature he grapples. Hiding spikes is move action and lost spikes regrow with no effort. This augmentation costs 5 power points.
  • Rubber Spine: A psycker's skeleton becomes more elastic, thus gaining a +4 bonus on all Escape Artist checks. This augmentation costs 3 power points and may be retaken, each time increasing the Escape Artist bonus by +4.
  • Structural Integrity: A psycker ignores the first 20 points of falling damage as well as from objects falling on him. Structural integrity stacks with similar abilities, such as the monk's slow fall. This augmentation costs 3 power points and may be retaken, each time increasing the amount of falling damage ignored by 20.
  • Vibrobones: A psycker gains sonic resistance 10. This augmentation can be taken up to three times, each time increasing sonic resistance by 10 points and costing 5 power points. Sonic resistance granted by this ability does not stack with any other sonic resistance.

Skin Augmentations
  • Caustic Epidermis: A psycker gains acid resistance 10. This augmentation can be taken up to three times, each time increasing acid resistance by 10 points and costing 5 power points. Acid resistance granted by this ability does not stack with any other acid resistance.
  • Cryoskin: A psycker gains cold resistance 10. This augmentation can be taken up to three times, each time increasing cold resistance by 10 points and costing 7 power points. Cold resistance granted by this ability does not stack with any other cold resistance.
  • Dermal Reinforcement, Lesser: A psycker gains damage reduction 1/-. This augmentation may be retaken, each time increasing damage reduction by 1/- and costing 3 power points. Damage reduction granted by this ability stacks with other damage recution/-.
  • Dermal Reinforcement: A psycker gains damage reduction 2/-. This augmentation may be retaken, each time increasing damage reduction by 2/- and costing 7 power points. Damage reduction granted by this a stacks with other damage recution/-.
  • Dermal Reinforcement, Greater: A psycker gains damage reduction 4/-. This augmentation may be retaken, each time increasing damage reduction by 4/- and costing 11 power points. Damage reduction granted by this ability stacks with other damage recution/-.
  • Environmental Adaptation: A psycker and his equipment can exist comfortably in areas with temperatures between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit (-45 to 60 °C) without needing to make Fortitude saves. This augmentation costs 1 power point.
  • Pyroskin: A psycker gains fire resistance 10. This augmentation can be taken up to three times, each time increasing fire resistance by 10 points and costing 9 power points. Fire resistance granted by this ability does not stack with any other fire resistance.
  • Natural Coating: A psycker’s skin develops a scaley, metallic or other distinct look and durability. He gains a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. Natural armor granted by natural coating stacks with other natural armor. This augmentation may be retaken, each time increasing the natural armor bonus to AC by +2 and costing 5 power points.


Extra Augmentation

The name seems self-explanatory enough.

Prerequisite: Augmentation ability.

Benefit: You gain another augmentation, but still must pay all power point costs and fulfill all prerequisites.

Special: You may retake this feat, each time gaining another augmentation.

Graft Collector

You're practically a psiborg!

Prerequisite: Great Fortitude.

Benefit: Whenever you can take an augmentation, you can take two augmentations instead and you still must pay the cost and meet prerequisites for both, and each augmentation may cost no more power points than your current manifester level. This effect is retroactive.

Improved Psychic Refund

You save more when you shop, shop, shop!

Prerequisites: Wis 15, Psychic Refund, psycker level 12.

Benefit: You gain 1 power point for every augmentation you have instead of 1 for every 2. If you later gain or lose augmentations, you also retroactively gain or lose the extra power points.

Improved Psychic Toughness

It's mind and matter, not mind over matter, but it's still 2 parts mind.

Prerequisites: Con 13, Psychic Toughness.

Benefit: You gain 2 hit points, not 1, for each augmentation you have. If you later gain or lose augmentations, you also retroactively gain or lose the extra hit points.

Improved Warfare

Like some Earthly wars, you can keep fighting until one side is eliminated.

Prerequisite: Psychic warfare.

Benefit: Your psychic warfare-affected feats have a duration lasting until the encounter's end. Additionally, you can affect one more feat with your psychic warfare ability.

Psion's Strike

You have yet another way of spending power points besides manifesting.

Prerequisites: Manifester level 2nd, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: For every 2 power points you spend, you increase your attack bonus with a melee weapon, unarmed strike, or natural attack by +1 and, if the attack hits, your damage with that weapon by d4. This bonus lasts for 1 round and activating Psion's Strike is a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You may spend no more power points during one round to fuel this feat than your manifester level.

Psychic Refund

The more augmentations you buy, the more you save!

Prerequisite: Wis 13.

Benefit: You gain 1 power point for every 2 augmentations you have. If you later gain or lose augmentations, you also retroactively gain or lose the extra power points.

Psychic Toughness

It's mind and matter, not mind over matter.

Benefit: You gain 1 extra hit point for each augmentation you have. If you later gain or lose augmentations, you also gain or lose the extra hit points appropriately.

Psychic Warmonger

You get 2 steps for the price of one, or 12 for the price of 6!

Prerequisite: Psychic warfare ability.

Benefit: Whenever you use a psychic warfare ability, you act as if you had invested the next increment of power points. For example, a creature with Psychic Warmonger who used 6 power points to increase Speed of Thought would get a +30 bonus to speed, but would get no additional benefit from Improved Critical.


Hit Die: d10.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Level   Special 
21st    Psychic warfare IV 
22nd    Bonus feat 
23rd    Augmentation 
24th    - 
25th    Bonus feat 
26th    Augmentation 
27th    Psychic warfare V 
28th    Bonus feat 
29th    Augmentation 
30th    -

Bonus Feat: An epic psycker gains a bonus feat at 22nd level and every 3 levels thereafter; 25th, 28th, 31st, etc. Whenever he gains a bonus feat from this ability, he may either take an epic feat or two non-epic feats. The list of available epic feats is same as the bonus psychic warrior feats on page 23 of the Epic Level Handbook.

Augmentation: An epic psycker gains extra augmentation at 23rd level and every 3 levels thereafter; 26th, 29th, 32nd, etc. At each such level an epic psycker gains 5 bonus power points that can only be spent on augmentations. Power points not spend are accumulated, meaning an epic psycker might wait few levels to buy particularly powerful augmentation instead of multiple weaker ones.

Psychic Warfare: An epic psycker can use his psychic warfare ability with one more feat during a battle at 21st level, and every 6 levels later; 5 feats at 27th, 6 feats at 33rd, 7 feats at 39th, etc.

New Epic Feats

Great Psychic Refund [Epic]

You get discounts like nobody's business!

Prerequisites: Wis 17, Psychic Refund, Improved Psychic Refund.

Benefit: You gain 2 power points, not 1, for every augmentation you have. If you later gain or lose augmentations, you also retroactively gain or lose the extra power points.

Great Psychic Toughness [Epic]

There's still some matter left in there, but it's a large part mind.

Prerequisites: Con 17, Psychic Toughness, Improved Psychic Toughness.

Benefit: You gain 4 hit points, not 1, for each augmentation you have. If you later gain or lose augmentations, you also retroactively gain or lose the extra hit points.

Great Psychic Warmonger [Epic]

You get 3 steps for the price of one, or 90 for the price of 30!

Prerequisite: Psychic Warmonger.

Benefit: Whenever you use a psychic warfare ability, you act as if you had invested the two more increments of power points. For example, a creature with Great Psychic Warmonger who used 6 power points to increase Speed of Thought would get a +40 bonus to speed, but would get no additional benefit from Improved Critical.

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