Ultimate Sorcerer

Game Rule Information

Sorcerers have the following game statistics.

  • Abilities: Same as in Player's Handbook.
  • Alignment: Any.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1d4 + Con modifier.
  • Hit points are maximized at 1st character level.
  • Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
  • Skill points are multiplied by 4 at 1st character level.

Class Skills: The sorcerer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha). See Chapter 4: Skills for skill descriptions.

Class Table

       Base          Fort  Ref   Will
Level  Attack Bonus  Save  Save  Save  Special               .
1st    +0            +0    +0    +2    Ancestral mark, bloodline (vestigial), spellcasting
2nd    +1            +0    +0    +3    Weave invocation (0-level)
3rd    +1            +1    +1    +3    Ancestral mark
4th    +2            +1    +1    +4    Bloodline (weak)
5th    +2            +1    +1    +4    Ancestral mark
6th    +3            +2    +2    +5    -
7th    +3            +2    +2    +5    Ancestral mark
8th    +4            +2    +2    +6    Bloodline (clear)
9th    +4            +3    +3    +6    Ancestral mark
10th   +5            +3    +3    +7    Weave invocation (1st level)
11th   +5            +3    +3    +7    Ancestral mark
12th   +6/+1         +4    +4    +8    Bloodline (strong)
13th   +6/+1         +4    +4    +8    Ancestral mark
14th   +7/+2         +4    +4    +9    -
15th   +7/+2         +5    +5    +9    Ancestral mark
16th   +8/+3         +5    +5    +10   Bloodline (grand)
17th   +8/+3         +5    +5    +10   Ancestral mark
18th   +9/+4         +6    +6    +11   Weave invocation (2nd level)
19th   +9/+4         +6    +6    +11   Ancestral mark
20th   +10/+5        +6    +6    +12   Bloodline (true)

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the sorcerer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sorcerers are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor of any type interferes with a sorcerer’s arcane gestures, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail.

Ancestral Mark: At 1st level, and every 2 levels thereafter, a sorcerer gains one ability chosen from the list below.

  • Amplify Item (Su): A sorcerer can infuse a magic item with arcane energy so it performs better for a limited period of time. By touching the item and making caster level check (DC 10 + caster level of item’s creator), the sorcerer modifies the item so it behaves as if its creator had two more caster levels, for 1 minute. If the caster level check fails, the item is drained of power instead – it behaves as if its creator had 2 caster levels less for 1 hour. Any item can be successfully amplified only once per day. This ability cannot be used with artifacts.
  • Animancy (Ex): A sorcerer infuses his soul with magic. He chooses one invocation he knows and permanently forgets it. In its place, he learns one invocation from the cleric’s invocation list of the same spell level. A sorcerer can only cast this new spell as invocation, he cannot cast it in the usual manner.
  • Burst of Power (Su): A sorcerer’s body is so infused with magical energies that it can spontaneously power his spells on rare occasions. Whenever a sorcerer casts a sorcerer spell, there is a certain percentile chance, dependant on the spell’s level, that the spell will not use the required slot. The chance is 50% for 0-level spells (cantrips), 30% for 1st level spells, and 10% for 2nd level spells. This ability cannot be used with invocations.
  • Draining Invocation (Ex): Whenever a sorcerer deals damage with a 3rd or higher level invocation to a creature, he also bestows 1 negative level.
  • Hemomancy (Ex): A sorcerer infuses his blood with magic. He chooses one invocation he knows and permanently forgets it. In its place, he learns one invocation from the necromancer’s invocation list of the same spell level. A sorcerer can only cast this new spell as invocation, he cannot cast it in the usual manner.
  • Overcome Antimagic (Su): A sorcerer can end antimagic effects, such as those created by antimagic field. To do so, he must stand in the area affected by antimagic and make a Concentration check (DC equal to spell’s DC if the antimagic is created by spell, or 25 if not). If she is successful, the antimagic ceases to be for 1 hour and the sorcerer cannot cast any invocations for 1 minute.
  • Overload Item (Su): A sorcerer can infuse a magic item with energy in an attempt to destroy it. By holding the item in both hands he can, as a full round action, make a caster level check against DC 15 + caster level of item’s creator). If he is successful, the item starts to overload and will explode in one round or when hitting something (which means it can be used in the next round as a thrown weapon). Explosion has 5 foot radius and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per sorcerer level, but no more than 1 point of damage per 50 gp of item’s market value. If sorcerer fails to overload the item, he cannot try again with the same item for next 24 hours. This ability cannot be used with artifacts or very fragile items (such as scrolls).
  • Osteomancy (Ex): A sorcerer infuses his bones with magic. He chooses one invocation he knows and permanently forgets it. In its place, he learns one invocation from the druid's invocation list of the same spell level. A sorcerer can only cast this new spell as invocation, he cannot cast it in the usual manner.
  • Release the Power (Su): A sorcerer can release all the energy that flows through him in a single spectacular display of power. If he does so, he casts any 3 invocations he knows (he can cast a single invocation more than once) at the same time as a full round action. He takes damage from this action equal to 1d6 per level of each invocation (for example, if he casts one 0-level invocation, one 2nd-level invocation, and one 5th-level invocation, he takes 7d6 points of damage) and loses ability to cast any invocations for next 10 minutes.
  • Sudden Invocation (Ex): A sorcerer can cast an invocation as a swift action, with a -5 penalty to effective caster level. He can use this ability with only some of his invocations, depending on his sorcerer level: 11th level - 0-level invocations, 14th level - 1st level invocations, 17th level - 2nd level invocations, 20th level - 3rd level invocations, 23rd level - 4th level invocations.
  • Touch of Angry Elements (Su): Whenever a sorcerer makes a successful touch attack with an invocation, he can make a caster level check opposed by the touched creature's Strength check. If he wins, he can move the target away from him by 5 ft. per level of the invocation.
  • Voximancy (Ex): A sorcerer infuses his voice with magic. He chooses one invocation he knows and permanently forgets it. In its place, he learns one invocation from the bard’s invocation list of the same spell level. A sorcerer can only cast this new spell as invocation, he cannot cast it in the usual manner.
  • Weakening Invocation (Ex): Whenever a sorcerer deals damage with a 3rd or higher level invocation to a creature, he also deals 2 points of ability damage of sorcerer's choice.


Sorcerers gain their power not from study or faith, but from their own bodies. The reason they are blessed with arcane might is because one of their ancestors was a creature of magic, such as nixie or gold dragon. Depending on the type of sorcerer’s ancestor, he develops special abilities and slowly gains some physical attributes of his forefather. At 1st level, a sorcerer chooses one bloodline. The possible choices are: aberrant, draconic, and fey.

  • Aberrant Bloodlines: One of a sorcerer’s ancestors was an alien aberration. As he rises in power, the sorcerer develops new abilities of those misshapen creatures.
  • Vestigial Bloodline (Ex): At 1st level, Listen, Swim, and Spot, become sorcerer's class skills. In addition, he gains +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive skill checks with all creatures of aberration type.
  • Weak Bloodline: At 4th level, a sorcerer develops one weak aberrant ability:
  • Darkvision (Ex): A sorcerer gains darkvision with range of 30 ft.
  • Twisted Body (Ex): A sorcerer gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against transmutation spells and abilities.
  • Clear Bloodline: At 8th level, a sorcerer develops one weak or clear aberrant ability:
  • Aberrant Talents (Ex): A sorcerer gains +4 racial bonus on Listen, Swim, and Spot checks.
  • Hastened Evolution (Su): A sorcerer gains Damage Reduction 5 and Energy Resistance 5 against all ongoing damage (damage that continues to affect sorcerer for more than one round, such as damage from acid arrow or from immersion in lava). This ability does not protect from damage dealt on the 1st round.
  • Strong Bloodline: At 12th level, a sorcerer develops one weak, clear, or strong aberrant ability:
  • Aliend Mindset (Ex): A sorcerer is immune to charm effects.
  • Bedlam (Su): A sorcerer is constantly surrounded by faint whispers and insane voices that wrest words that can be heard by those who wish the sorcerer ill. As a result, all of the sorcerer’s opponents suffer a -2 penalty to Concentration and Listen checks and Will saves within 30 ft. of him.
  • Grand Bloodline: At 16th level, a sorcerer develops one weak, clear, strong, or grand aberrant ability:
  • Amphibian Mutation (Ex): A sorcerer can breathe water as easily as air.
  • Unstable Flesh (Ex): A sorcerer is immune to polymorph and other shape-altering spells and abilities.
  • True Bloodline: At 20th level, a sorcerer develops weak, clear, strong, grand, or true aberrant ability:
  • Jabber (Su): A sorcerer becomes immune to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage.
  • Aberrant Form (Su): A sorcerer gains a +2 bonus to one physical score. After every 8 hour sleep, a sorcerer may subtract X from any of his physical scores to add X to any of his other physical scores.
  • Draconic Bloodlines: One of a sorcerer’s ancestors was a powerful dragon. As he rises in power, the sorcerer develops new abilities of those magnificient creatures.
  • Vestigial Bloodline (Ex): At 1st level, Appraise, Intimidate, and Search become sorcerer's class skills. In addition, he gains +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive skill checks with all creatures of dragon type.
  • Weak Bloodline: At 4th level, a sorcerer develops one weak draconic ability:
  • Energy Resistance (Ex): A sorcerer gains resistance 5 against one type of energy of his choice.
  • Great Fortitude (Ex): A sorcerer gains this feat for free. She also becomes immune to draconic fear.
  • Clear Bloodline: At 8th level, a sorcerer develops one weak or clear draconic ability:
  • Draconic Talents (Ex): A sorcerer gains +4 racial bonus on Appraise, Intimidate, and Search checks.
  • Scales (Ex): A sorcerer gains +2 natural armor bonus to AC.
  • Strong Bloodline: At 12th level, a sorcerer develops one weak, clear, or strong draconic ability:
  • Greater Energy Resistance (Ex): A sorcerer gains resistance 15 against one type of energy of his choice.
  • Powerful Build (Ex): A sorcerer is treated as one size category larger reguarding all Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Sunder, and Trip attempts. A sorcerer may use weapons designed for creatures one size category larger.
  • Grand Bloodline: At 16th level, a sorcerer develops one weak, clear, strong, or grand draconic ability:
  • Rugged Scales (Ex): A sorcerer gains +3 natural armor bonus to AC. This ability stacks with scales.
  • Encrusted Flesh (Ex): A sorcerer may place one item that occupies the amulet spot on his chest and sleep on it for 8 hours. When he wakes the item is embedded in his chest and does not take up his amulet spot. He may remove this item as a full round action, but takes 1d4 consitution damage if he does. A sorcerer may only have one embedded item at time.
  • True Bloodline: At 20th level, a sorcerer develops one weak, clear, strong, grand, or true draconic ability:
  • Blindsense (Su): A sorcerer gains blindsense ability with range 60 feet.
  • Touch of Chronepsis (Ex): A sorcerer ages like dragons. For each age category the sorcerer attains, he gains 3 hit points and 5 skill points. The sorcerer now ages like a dragon.
  • Fey Bloodlines: One of a sorcerer’s ancestors was a powerful fairy creature. As he rises in power, the sorcerer develops new abilities of those magical beings.
  • Vestigial Bloodline (Ex): At 1st level, Hide, Move Silently, and Sense Motive become sorcerer's class skills. In addition, he gains +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive skill checks with all creatures of fey type.
  • Weak Bloodline: At 4th level, a sorcerer develops one weak fairy ability:
  • Cradle of Woods (Ex): A sorcerer gains +4 bonus on saving throws against poison and disease.
  • Wild Empathy (Ex): A sorcerer can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The sorcerer rolls 1d20 and adds his Handle Animal bonus or the sorcerer level + Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the sorcerer and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. A sorcerer can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 4 or less, but she takes a penalty equal to the creature's Int score on the check.
  • Clear Bloodline: At 8th level, a sorcerer develops one weak or clear fairy ability:
  • Beguile (Su): A sorcerer can command or rebuke humanoids same was as an evil cleric can command or rebuke undead. Using this ability costs sorcerer a spell slot of 1st or higher level.
  • Fey Talents (Ex): A sorcerer gains +4 racial bonus on Hide, Move Silently, and Sense Motive checks.
  • Strong Bloodline: At 12th level, a sorcerer develops one weak, clear, or strong fairy ability:
  • Eternal Joy (Ex): A sorcerer becomes immune to negative levels and level drain.
  • Unrestrained (Su): A sorcerer gains +4 bonus on saving throws against petrification, paralysis, slow, and hold effects.
  • Grand Bloodline: At 16th level, a sorcerer develops one weak, clear, strong, or grand fairy ability:
  • Rainbow Glow (Su): A sorcerer gains +2 luck bonus on all saving throws.
  • Spell Resistance (Ex): A sorcerer gains Spell Resistance of 10 + his sorcerer level.
  • True Bloodline: At 20th level, a sorcerer develops one weak, clear, strong, grand, or true fairy ability:
  • Fairy Flesh (Ex): A sorcerer gains Damage Reduction X/cold iron, where X is 3 + sorcerer's Constitution modifier.
  • Grace of the Fey(Ex/Su): A sorcerer may add his charisma modifier, as a racial bonus, to all of his saving throws, AC, and can use three 1st or second level druid spell (player's choice) as spell like abilities a number of times per day equal to the sorcerer's charisma modifier.

Spellcasting: A sorcerer casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the sorcerer spell list. To learn or cast a spell, a sorcerer must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell's level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a sorcerer's spell is 10 + one-third the sorcerer's level + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier. Like other spellcasters, a sorcerer can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day (excluding invocations, see below). The sorcerer doesn't receive bonus spells per day for having high Charisma score. Like bard or paladin, a sorcerer may know a number of spells from each spell level equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. It is possible for him to learn spells above that limit, but the costs are high. A sorcerer need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his spells per day for that level. He does not have to decide ahead of time which spells he’ll cast. Sorcerer’s caster level is equal to 3/4 his class level, rounded up.

Spells Per Day

        Spells per day    Invocations
Level   0 1 2 3 4 5       C.L.  known.
1st     2 - - - - -       1     3
2nd     2 1 - - - -       1     4
3rd     3 1 - - - -       2     5
4th     3 2 - - - -       2     6
5th     4 2 - - - -       3     6
6th     4 2 1 - - -       3     7
7th     4 3 1 - - -       4     8
8th     4 3 2 - - -       4     9
9th     4 4 2 - - -       5     9
10th    4 4 2 1 - -       5     10
11th    4 4 3 1 - -       6     11
12th    4 4 3 2 - -       6     12
13th    4 4 4 2 - -       7     12
14th    4 4 4 2 1 -       7     13
15th    4 4 4 3 1 -       8     14
16th    4 4 4 3 2 -       8     15
17th    4 4 4 4 2 -       9     15
18th    4 4 4 4 2 1       9     16
19th    4 4 4 4 3 1       10    17
20th    4 4 4 4 3 2       10    18

Learning New Spells: A sorcerer can learn any spell from his list, but doing so is tasking and requires a sacrifice. To learn a spell, a sorcerer must pay an amount of gold equal to spell level squared x 50 (or 25 gp in case of 0-level spells). That money is used to research the spell, as sorcerers can't learn magic from others. In addition, the sorcerer must spend 1 day per spell level squared on magical research (6 hours for a 0-level spell). If a sorcerer attempts to learn a spell and he already reached his limit of spells known for that level, multiply gold cost by 10. A newly created 1st level sorcerer knows a number of 0-level spells equal to his Cha bonus.

Invocations: A sorcerer can cast many spells as invocations. That means that he doesn't need to spend a slot of an appropriate level to cast that spell. Any spell cast as invocation uses reduced caster level, as shown on table: spells per day. A sorcerer can cast invocations even if he has no slots left. At 1st level, a sorcerer learns how to cast three 0-level spells from the list below as invocation (provided he knows those spells). At higher levels he learns how to cast other spells from the list. A sorcerer can choose a spell he doesn't know yet, but he is unable to cast it until he learns it. He cannot, however, choose a spell he can't yet cast because his class level is too low to access that level of spells. List of spells a sorcerer can cast as invocations:

  • 0-level - Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic, Flare, Ray of Frost, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.
  • 1st level - Mage Armor, True Strike, Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement, Jump, Magic Weapon
  • 2nd level - Melf's Acid Arrow, Daze Monster, Touch of Idiocy, Flaming Sphere, Gust of Wind, Scorching Ray, Shatter, Scare, Protection from Arrows
  • 3rd level - Dispel Magic, Sleet Storm, Hold Person, Rage, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Ray of Exhaustion, Vampiric Touch, Flame Arrow, Keen Edge
  • 4th level - Crushing Despair, Bestow Curse, Fire Shield, Ice Storm, Shout, Contagion, Enervation, Fear.

Weave Invocation (Ex): At 2nd level, a sorcerer can cast a 0-level spell he knows as invocation as a move action. At 10th level, he extends this ability to 1st level invocations, and at 18th level, to 2nd level ones.

Epic Sorcerer

The epic sorcerer has grown his natural arcane ability to mythical proportions, but the need for ever-greater power never abates.

Hit Points per Level: 1d4 + Con modifier.

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Level    Special  .
21st     Ancestral mark
22nd     -
23rd     Ancestral mark or bonus feat
24th     Bloodline (true)
25th     Ancestral mark
26th     -
27th     Ancestral mark
28th     Bloodline (true)
29th     Ancestral mark or bonus feat
30th     -

Epic Staff: Special abilities granted to a staff continue to grow as the level of its master increases beyond 20th. For every 2 levels, hardness and break DC increases by +1 and hit points by +2.

Ancestral Mark: An epic sorcerer gains extra special ability at 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter (23rd, 25th, 27th, and so on). At some such opportunities (23rd level and every 6 levels thereafter), he can take an epic feat instead. The list of available epic feats is same as in Epic Level Handbook. Bloodline: An epic sorcerer gains extra bloodline ability (of any potency) of his chosen ancestor at 24th level and every 4 levels thereafter (28th, 32nd, 36th, and so on).